Our Lady of Perpetual Help Seminary DIOCESE OF MARBEL, PHILIPPINES
QUOTE OF THE WEEK "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." - Isaac Newton |
E-Mail Addresses of Priests and Religious in the Diocese of Marbel |
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E-Mail Addresses of Priests and Religious in the Diocese of Marbel |
Chancery Office
St. Anthony of Padua Parish (Marbel Cathedral)
Marist Brothers - Provincial House
Marist Brothers - Marbel
OP Siena - Marbel
Fr. Romeo Buenaobra
Fr. Ernesto Bendita
Fr. George Carin
Fr. Cerilo Casicas
Fr. Renato Cruz
General Guide / Search Engines Etc./ Ancient / Medieval / Modern / Contemporary / Culture / Language / Man / Religion / Science / |
Episteme Links
Guide to Philosophy on the Internet
Hopkins Philosophy Page
Bjorn's Guide to Philosophy
Philosophy in Cyberspace
Voice of the Shuttle: Philosophy Page
Search Engines, Dictionaries and Encyclopedia
Hippias (Limited Search on Philosophy)
Noesis (Philosophical Research Online)
Argos (Limited Search for Ancient and Medieval)
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Philosophical Dictionary
History of Ancient Philosophy
Ancient Philosophy at Rice University
John Burnet: Early Greek Philosophy
Ancient Greece
Perseus Project
Greek Civilization Topics (Portland State University)
Ancient Greek (Hellenic) Links (Medea)
Episteme Links on Ancient Philosophy
Diotima and Gender in Ancient Greece
Course Outline with Specific Links
Argos (Limited Search for Ancient and Medieval)
Medieval Philosophy (Episteme Links)
Medieval Sourcebook
Medieval Webpages
James O'Donnell
Jacques Maritain Center
History of Hellenistic and Medieval Philosophy (Kemerling)
St. Thomas Aquinas and Medieval Philosophy
Medieval Philosophy (Marquee University)
Medieval Thought (Geocities)
Course Outline with Specific Links
Great Voyages
GJ Mattey's Homepage (Lectures on Modern Philosophy)
Lectures on Modern European Intellectual History
Course Overview of History of Modern Philosophy
Internet Modern History Sourcebook
West Enlightenment to the Present (History)
Course Outline with Specific Links
Continental Philosophy (19th-20th Century)
The Real of Existentialism
Specific Links for Our Course
Philosophy of Human Nature (University of Texas)
Philosophy of Human Nature (University of Michigan)
Philosophy of Human Nature (Drury)
Virtual Religion Index
Philosophy of Religion Resources (Scott Moore)
Atheism, Humanism and Philosophy of Religion (Episteme Links)
Philosophy of Religion Course (Longview Community College)
Course Outline with Specific Links
History and Philosophy of Science
Philosophy and the Sciences
Philosophy of Science and Information Technology
Contemporary Issues in the Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Science and Information Technology
Synopsis: Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolution
A Tribute to Thomas Kuhn
Karl Popper
Carl Gustav Hempel (IEP)
Thonemann's Papers on Philosophy of Science
General Resources
Catholic Resource on the Net
The Catholic Information Network
The CatholicMobile
Woodstock Theological Center
Vatican (Official Website)
Radical Catholic Page
Spirituality, Homilies and Pastoral Studies
in a Post-Einteinian Universe
by John Veltri, sj
Homily and Preaching Material
The Catholic Liturgical
Seminar in Business
Ethics (Woodstock Theological Center)
Journal of Christian Theological
a Post-Modern Ecclesiology
Catholic Publications
Le Osservatore Romano
Salt of the Earth
US Catholic
Crisis Magazine Online
National Reporter
Corporate Economic Globalizaiton
Globalization Studies (Articles and Notes)