Thank you, for dropping in.
I'm Jacob P. Rayapati, Professor of English at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania.
Email your suggestions, please.

I signed up on 12/29/97 11:45:23.

    C O N T E N T S
  1. Cheyney University's Initiative at Gordon Middle School, Coatesville, PA.
  2. The Beloved Community Toastmasters.
  3. Studies in Lenape Language and Literature.
  4. Editing Project: Dr. King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."
  5. Distance Ed. at Cheyney U: Photos 1998-9.
  6. Album Summer 2000.
  7. Meet Poet Gerald Barrax in my Neighborhood.
  8. Visit my other cybersite RAYAPATI ACADEMY
  9. Creative Writing: Short-Fiction, Spring 1999.
  10. Activities of the Penna Society of Teaching Scholars.
  11. English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities: Album of the 1998 Annual Conference.
  12. If you want to sample my writing, visit Parents and Children Together Online and read this 1995 children's story, "The Ogre of Khondvalasa."

    Other interesting bits of information can be found at the following links:
  1. The Meaning of the Name of My Home Page.
  2. My Resume and Curriculum Vitae.
  3. My International Teaching Experience.
  4. My Publications

Email me.

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