Hello fellow writers and poets, writers/poets-to-be, and writer/poet-wanna-be's,

We are all in this wonderful world of writing together.
Supporting one another and sharing ideas, dreams, ambitions,
successes, and failures make us the fountain pens of creativity.
Please leave a little of yourself (beginning with this page,
and my guest book) everywhere you go. From an anonymous favorite
line or verse, left on a napkin or bit of paper for the next
unsuspecting diner at a restaraunt (or even at Mickie D's),
to a published work--whisper your name to the world. We a l seek
our rightful 30 seconds of fame, and hopefully, it will last a lifetime.

Please sign my guestbook and leave a little of yourself, your
successes, failures, hopes, and dreams.

Poetryprose, aka Trish

Check out my previous visitors below

Ken "The Barefoot Runner" Saxton - 11/09/00 20:24:52
My URL:http://www.RunningBarefoot.com/
My Email:Ken@RunningBarefoot.com
Favorite Author: Mark Twain
Favorite Book: Stranger in a Strange Land
Favorite Genre: SciFi / environmental / social commentary
Favorite Poem: Cruel Shoes, by Steve Martin
Family? (Married?, Children?): Married, with dog and cat
Pets/Hobbies: Running barefoot, reading, maintaining website

Loved the title; "Sensible Shoes: Women Running Barefoot Through Snow"

lisa - 09/13/99 01:29:11
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/zrings/homepage.htm
My Email:ou812@usit.net
Family? (Married?, Children?): divorced,3 dogs and 8 fish=)
Pets/Hobbies: writing poetry

you have the starting of a great homepage and you write beauitifully!

Mark Musto - 01/26/99 02:45:19
My Email:TxMuskrat@aol.com
Favorite Author: Terry Brookes
Favorite Book: "Magic Kingdom For Sale"
Favorite Genre: Fantasy
Favorite Poem: all of yours
Family? (Married?, Children?): Divorced 2daughters,1 grson
Pets/Hobbies: Pitbull dogs/hotrodding and motorcyles

Hi Trish, I'm glad I met you! Keep up the good work! Mark

Natale Williams - 11/20/98 23:35:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~natalewilliams
My Email:natalewilliams@yahoo.com

What a wonderful page! I enjoyed my visit.

10/26/98 12:04:31
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

tami lowenthal - 09/16/98 14:03:32
Favorite Author: lewis carroll
Favorite Book: alice
Favorite Genre: fantasy
Favorite Poem: jabberwocky
Family? (Married?, Children?): yes
Pets/Hobbies: ckatie kat, lammy, and schulty

I have to talk to you. Miss you! Love you

Nancy Imelda Schafer - 09/01/98 06:54:09
My URL:http://www.phenomenalwomen.com
My Email:founder@phenomenalwomen.com
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Book: "IT"
Favorite Poem: Phenomenal Woman
Family? (Married?, Children?): Single
Pets/Hobbies: The Internet


The Founder of The Phenomenal Women Of The Web - Nancy Imelda Schafer

Gaea - 08/08/98 04:45:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/parthenon/3831/
My Email:tyrant@telenet.net
Favorite Author: Dean Koontz
Favorite Book: Watchers
Favorite Genre: Sci-Fi
Favorite Poem: The Raven
Family? (Married?, Children?): married
Pets/Hobbies: Cat - Topaz

Visiting your site after the wonderful poetry submission you sent me. I am still working on getting it up! (Soon, I promise.) I enjoyed your poetry very much. Please put up some more! Blessed Be! Gaea

whitlow carla - 07/27/98 02:32:53
My Email:whitlow2premiernet.net
Favorite Author: terrry mcmillan
Favorite Book: stella got her groove back
Family? (Married?, Children?): yes, yes, yes
Pets/Hobbies: family, school, life

Trish I have enjoyed your web page, I guess it's because I have been honored to know such talent.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 10:23:46
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Nicole - 05/23/98 03:22:16
My Email:Nicole60@yahoo.com
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book: The Witching Hour
Favorite Genre: Romantic
Favorite Poem: Don Juan by Byron (is an epic poem)
Family? (Married?, Children?): Lance (the Goober)
Pets/Hobbies: Smershey!!! HERSHEY

Skeleton is my favorite! Wow! No wonder you were invited to go to New York!! I am so proud of you, Trish! :-)

AmethystMoon - 05/05/98 03:40:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/3718
My Email:amethystmoon24@hotmail.com
Favorite Author: Stephen R. Lawhead
Favorite Book: (3)Taliesin, Merlin and Arthur
Family? (Married?, Children?): Married no kids
Pets/Hobbies: 2 spoiled dogs and a beta and some various tetras.

Thank you for signing my guestbook. Good luck on your web page designing. I will be back to view more poetry.
May the light of the Moon shine on you always.

paul - 04/18/98 21:45:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/Acres/3538
My Email:nightspirt@yahoo.com
Pets/Hobbies: fish

You are the first poem page i have sat back and looked at not bad.

Linda Todd - 03/28/98 21:52:50
My URL:http://www.wku.edu/~toddls
My Email:linda.todd@wku.edu
Favorite Book: To Kiss The Joy by Robert Raines
Favorite Poem: The Road Not Taken
Family? (Married?, Children?): One child . . . The Buff!
Pets/Hobbies: Working . . . Digging, Planting, and Mowing!

Your pages are wonderful and, of course, on my computer look great since I probably have the font installed. Your pages look classy on my computer. . . Keep up the good work!

Paul M. Bush - 03/10/98 22:01:29
My Email:Paul.Bush@WKU.edu
Favorite Poem: "When You Are Old" by Yeats

Dear Trish, Thanks for the invitation to your home page. I like the idea behind your poem "Antiquated"; it makes me think of my poetry mentor's reaction when I mentioned that I am taking a computer class: "You can stick your computer up your _ _ _ _ ; I asked you how your poetry was going." The shiny and new can distract us from what is solid. Paul

Scott Jaggers - 03/04/98 00:24:03
My Email:jaggwire@aol.com
Favorite Author: Steven King
Favorite Book: Desperation
Favorite Genre: Horror
Favorite Poem: Rights of Passage, by my mom
Family? (Married?, Children?): Yes, No, No
Pets/Hobbies: Spiders. lizards, crabs.

Don't worry, be happy; When life gives you lemons, just serve lemonade. Ha, Ha, Ha...

Trish Jaggers - 03/03/98 20:12:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/3743/
My Email:Jaggwire@aol.com
Favorite Author: Hemingway, Walker, Steinbeck, O'Connor, Rice, King, Bachman
Family? (Married?, Children?): Yes, yes-2
Pets/Hobbies: Pets: 2 cats, 1 dog, 2 aquariums (mine!), 1 each: tarantula and iguanna, 2 hermit crabs (my son's!), 2 mice (my daughter's!), 1 migraine (my husband's!), and a pear tree (we got rid of the partridge!). Hobbies: writing, reading, paint ng, fishing, sewing, crafts

Keep working on it! You'll get there!

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