Trish Lindsey Jaggers:
A Feminist's Notations

Newest collection * * *
Sensible Shoes:
Women Running Barefoot
Through Snow

The Poems and Prose of a Kentucky Feminist

Expressions of impressions

of the way things are, should be, and the revolution of things to come.

I wish to thank my instructors at Western Kentucky University--
in the English and creative writing departments, and Women's Studies--
for their encouragement.
Their belief, support, and influence make the necessary difference.

Check out my poems (18 in all) in Blue Moon Rising: Kentucky Women in Transition, Jennie L. Brown, Editor. This book is available at Barnes & Noble,, and other fine bookstores.

If you wish to see more poems by Kentucky Feminists,
please click here for

Writing Who We Are: Poems by Kentucky Feminists
(two of my poems are included in the collection)


Visit the
Women's Studies Site of Western Kentucky University

Click below for samples of my poetry (more to come soon).



Skeleton Sonance

Buried Treasure



Learning of the Infidelity


Afternoon Moon


A Friend, When I Needed One

Night Storm

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