Welcome to the gathering place of the greatest intellectuals of the twentieth century and beyond.
Feel free to browse through the thoughts left therein.

The Future Mrs. Franklin - 10/30/00 00:03:11
My Email:near Mr. Franklin
Tracy, You are the love of my life and my reason for being. I will never be able to tell you just how much I love you and how thankful I am that God brought us together; however, I intend to spend every day for the rest of my life trying to show you. Forever yours faithfully, Teressa

Kehoe - 02/04/00 08:35:49

Kemi - 02/02/00 22:03:40
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Bistro/9047/
My Email:frackattack@bsb-mail.zzn.com
Hey Mr. Frankdogg. what's happening? i told ya i was gonna sign ur g-book and here i am. it's a spiffy site. that pic was hilarious. who's the person behind sumit? well g2g. go sign my g-book now. l8r g8r.

Kehoe - 10/28/99 21:10:01
or its always quiet before the storm

Brian the Westberry - 10/26/99 19:34:56
My Email:bwestberry@hotmail.com
I don't know about that, Brad. You know what they say about a place when it is unusually quiet. It can only mean something is wrong.

Brad - 10/12/99 08:01:19
My Email:bpremo@memphis.edu
Just thought I would drop in and see how things are going. They appear to be fine.

Chandler Summar - 10/12/99 04:04:55
My Email:csummar@yahoo.com
Hey there, what's been going on people? Hope that the team does good this year, and people please email at my yahoo addess, cuz I would love to hear from all of you.

King - 10/04/99 15:51:25
My Email:kingjeffries@hotmail.com
Minyard, zero equals zero plays a major part in calc. 3 even when you add the 3rd dimension. I just thought that you would find this interesting since we discussed in Taylor's class that all math leads back to 0=0.

Kehoe - 10/01/99 19:10:52
wow, i cant believe you would suck up like that Sal just for shotgun....what a sad sad world we live in when a person has to suck up for shotgun.

Brian - 09/30/99 22:33:58
Salvador, why don't you go ahead and duck tape your lips to Mr. Franklin's ass if you are gonna kiss up like that. What are you trying to do, get shot gun on the next road trip?

Salvador Lopez - 09/27/99 15:37:25
I think this is one of the best web pages ever produced in the history of mankind. I just want to know who is the genius behind all of this. My guess is someone who teaches accelerated Geometry and who is possibly the greatest human being ever to walk t is earth- Mr.Tracy.

Kehoe - 09/13/99 01:18:03
My URL:/CollegePark/Bookstore/2122
sorry, i dont usually check in here anymore, remember how tracy got po'ed about using his guestbook for just random talking. then he decided to put up the message board so we could chat there.

I forgot - 09/12/99 16:15:26
My Email:whoknows@?.com?
Anybody ever going to come back here or has this place magically inherited a virus that is keeping all yall away?

- 09/12/99 04:26:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/5646

Brian - 09/10/99 17:52:51
pretty dry in here.......come on people!

minyard - 09/06/99 04:39:14
yeah, we still hang around. Sometimes I get tired of Tracy's midi obsession though. In fact, it has forced me to start using Netscape a lot more often. I agree with you about classes King. They suck, plain and simple.

King - 08/26/99 16:48:55
My Email:kingjeffries@hotmail.com
Hey! Do any oldtimers stop by here anymore? My classes have started and they are going to kick my ass this semester. Just wondering how everyone is doing..

Jay Szostak - 08/13/99 22:47:40
My URL:http://geocities.com/Nashville/6485
My Email:jszostak@hotmail.com
I did what you said Mr.Franklin. IE 5 does work better in that sense there is my address check it out.

brany - 08/10/99 16:27:28
hey you told me to check out your pics and i did and i know you are not the sexy little pringles can

Valerie - 06/14/99 19:54:55
My Email:sirena_82@hotmail.com
Lindsay asked me to go to this web site, so I obliged her request. I just wanted to let you guys know that I think you are all hilarious. And to let my babies (Christie and Salvador) know that I'm still thinking of them. (lol) Oh, by the way, I loved the icture, Madison. It's so...you.

Bethany Tinsley - 06/14/99 19:33:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Bistro/7610/
My Email:yuffie_kisaragi_4@yahoo.com
Come visit Bethany's Nick Carter Page. (this is my website)

Neo - 06/14/99 15:55:57
Mr. Franklin-- I am still working on my page and would appreciate it if you would remove the link from this guestbook. It was placed here by a member of my team who was looking around. I sent him here to compare the pages and he felt compelled to place the link on the page. I am not finished with it and do not want to post it yet. So I would sincerely appreciate it if you would remove that link. Thank you.

frank - 06/11/99 19:56:27
My Email:tfrank@usit.net
So how do you like the look of the new home page?

Tony - 06/01/99 23:47:57
My URL:http://www.getalife.com
My Email:don't bother
2 things: 1). a mobile dental unit travels to places (I just found that out & it's no longer funny) 2). I watched Ben Stein yesterday and one of the categories was "Prizes with bigger endowments than John Holmes. That was funny!

Stephanie - 06/01/99 19:54:00
My Email:primadonna60@hotmail.com
YA'LL ROCK!!!!!!

Aslan - 05/25/99 03:23:10
Your message board keeps crashing my computer. Fix it


Kehoe - 05/16/99 08:12:52
I think im gonna start putting stuff in over here. it goes directly to the gbook. I would like to comment on Ross's page. Hilarious. Where'd you come across that picture? its too funny. It would be better if you had whenever that page was loaded up hat be the picture, but have a mouse over image of Ross. that would be hella-cool. I think im gonna find a picture of the Godfather so you can do that to mine.

Kehoe - 05/05/99 20:54:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Bookstore/2122
Yes Minyard, i check in here every once in a while. Its usually to make sure im not missing anything.

frank - 05/04/99 22:08:56
My URL:http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb279610
I admit I do check out this page on occasion (since it is my guest book) but I read the message board more often because that's where the "action" is. Once again, Mr. Minyard, my compliments on starting the intellectually stimulating thread last week.

minyard - 05/04/99 00:27:38
I'm curious about whether or not anybody still reads this thing. If you do, please respond.

minyard - 04/22/99 19:52:23
King, that defecit grows everytime the story is told. However, it was an amazing comeback.

King - 04/21/99 17:40:53
I think that if these JV teams would have had the same fight and determination of the 96 Westwood team they would have won the tourney. The blackhorse team of Brad, Minyard, King, and yes even Drew made a come back of unheard proportions. We were not sc red by a puny 95 point deficit with 5 questions left worth 100 points. We just kicked ass and came close to winning some cash for the team. I think that Minyard and the rest of that team would agree along with everyone else.

Kehoe - 04/17/99 06:31:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Bookstore/2122
Well your guestbook has gotten no love in a while either. ill sign it too.

MerLin - 04/07/99 07:27:07
Do to the recent Uncovering of Chaos If I had know that this would have been such an Ordeal I would not have done it. I appologize greatly to you chaos for the trouble to which I have caused. It will not happen again!

forked tongue biter - 03/25/99 23:49:06
Y'all's language STRAWS!

Jason Proffitt - 03/24/99 01:21:23
My Email:jdp3@compuserve.com
Ok, ok you guys got a good page, but your guestbook is exeedingly tiring to read (live chats on it will do that). I especially love the "Paper Boy" line. Hey, you guys may have gotten us at State in a tight match but at least I have the satisfaction of nowing that were able to score 200 against the Yellow Shirt 'dales. We had a pretty nice web page once, but the guy who was running it quit (Sigh). So far, you're the only team in Tennessee besides Bartlett that I know has a page ('dale had one but it w s ugly- all yellow and red). So until next time, good luck! -Jason, Halls

- 03/23/99 05:01:49
this is the dawning of the age of aquarious.......

- 03/16/99 20:25:14
I would understaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnndddd!!

- 03/15/99 19:04:32

Kehoe - 03/05/99 04:27:15
Tracy why did you edit out just about 2 to 3 days worth of stuff?

Chaos - 03/04/99 17:41:14
My Email:what's T.Gay's?
Well, it looks like my reign of fun is just about up. Well, it was fun while it lasted. So, with a low head, I guess my identity is known, thankx to another elite mind, a non A-Team mind I might add. Well, at least I know I can still get to you guys. I'll check in from time to time, as kind of a guardian devil to make sure you guys aren't whining too much. As nice as this entry is, I know that the responses will be cold and childish, but then again, what is the purpose of this guestbook. L8er Nathan. If you didn't know Tracy, then don't be mad for all the havok that I reeked while I was here. You gotta admit, I had you guys pretty shook up for a while. I wish you had saved the whole guestbook, instead of editing it out, so that I could go ack and get a good laugh. Well, I have to go out with a bang, don't be mad, are you ready


frank - 02/26/99 23:57:22
My URL:http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb279610
I'm glad you guys are enjoying the guest book and I must say that your NBA/video game threads have been most interesting. However, once again I will ask that you consider carrying on such conversations on the message board since you are filling up my lim ted Geocities storage space. If things continue, I won't be able to keep the guest book and also my other A-Team related pages up. So cruise on over to the message board and converse away...

frank - 02/26/99 23:50:39
Kehoe, we're leaving at 6:45.

Kehoe - 02/26/99 21:43:38
Hey Tracy what time do i need to be at school in the morning for TSU?

Johnson - 02/26/99 14:36:55
Again, Kehoe, nobody interpolated you. . .Interpolation requires someone inserting a signing between two of your signings you make back to back. . .making you look like a moron . . The interpolation has not happened. . . Thou shalt not falsely accuse one f interpolation.

Brian - 02/26/99 07:36:27
okay, I guess I am old, but who is this Kehoe guy? Is it that little red-haired kid? I think I know who he is, but I am not quite sure. The Kehoe I remember is the one and only Andy Kehoe.

Kehoe - 02/26/99 07:12:44

Kehoe - 02/26/99 07:12:02
DAMN YOU MINYARD! Now im gonna have that stuck in my head for days! Thank you Chris, bases loaded it is. Where is e anyway? if anyone hasnt made it over to the Johnson page ill post it here too...ok just to inform everyone, Priest was good in the Maury County Arts Guild Play "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat". Apparently Priest doenst dance much because Phil Burns about busted a gut when he seen Priest line danceing. Lenny just plain kicked a$$ as Joseph. Belden was in it too, along with Mrs. Pal er and Mrs. Manning.

- 02/26/99 06:10:49
I would understand. . .

Amanda - 02/26/99 05:39:10
My Email:ariley@utk.edu
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! e, are you out there? Come on, help me out........tampons, lipstick....lalalala......pantyhose, midol, hairspray........lalala

Johnson - 02/26/99 04:02:38
Kehoe, that was Bases Loaded wasn't it?? That game kicked so much ass.

minyard - 02/26/99 04:00:00
I don't really know if this is applicable here or not, but "I would understaaaaaaiaaaiiiaaaaiiiaaaaaaaaiind..."

Kehoe - 02/26/99 03:27:50
THANK YOU! THATS 3 NOW! Bill Lambieer's combat b-ball game kicks much a$$. What about that Jaleco baseball game for the NES? What was the name of it? It had like Fox and that really good hitter guy. That's another one of my favorites.

Choo - 02/26/99 00:36:12
This best b-ball player shit is fucking b-shit. Like I said before it is all opinionated. If you look at the players over their careers and have watched them play some then I have to go with Michael Jordan. A bunch of generalizations aren't going to di suade my arguement either. I agree you have to include Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain in the arugement but you could argue those guys out b/c they were just really big men playing in a league of tiny white guys at the time that they played. I also th nk the endorsement thing is bullshit. When Bird and Magic were around they were the ones who were getting all the publicity b/c their rivalry was the most attractive aspect of the league at the time. And besides does anybody honestly believe that the ve erans and former players of the NBA are taking into account the exposure that Michael gets when in interviews they state that they believe Michael was the best? I also believe Magic was the best b-ball player in his prime. I don't think Michael became the best until late in his career after he had learned to pass a little, had developed his smothering defense, and had perfected his fade-away jump shot. And do you believe that old story about the NBA being watered down or are you just repeating somethi g you heard some faggott off Sportscenter say. Besides even if that was true, if you were a 1-50 team and the Bulls came to your court, a win against them could make your season, besides the fact that it is Michael and everyone wants to beat Michael. I ave to agree that Bill Lambieer's combat b-ball was a bad ass game esp. when you had a team of solely Bill Lambieers. I agree that the Pacers don't look as good this year as they did last year. But the Magic are playing some of the best ball in the East right now, do you think they are going to make it or some shit.

minyard - 02/25/99 22:22:57
Once again, King manages to out-dumbass all the rest of us.

King - 02/25/99 21:20:41
As long as we are on the subject of terrible video games. What about Shaq-fu. That has to be way worse than combat basketball. What the hell was Nintendo thinking turning an oversized player into a Ninja Master!!!!!

Kehoe - 02/25/99 21:17:49
Ok everyone, I've been gone for a while. I've been broadning my internet horizons. I hate basketball, but I do know nintendo games! Bill Lambeer's Combat Basketball for the SNES kicked much a$$! It was one of the best sports nintendo games I've ever pl yed, but not as good as Tecmo Bowl. That is all.

Brian - 02/25/99 20:48:57
Erving!!! I meant good ol Dr. J!

Brian - 02/25/99 20:48:22
But wait!!! The old Atari Ewing vs. Bird game!! In that game you could always win with Ewing. Now what do we do?

Brian - 02/25/99 20:47:17
Johnson, I must admit. That was a very good observation! Our arguement is over. We can now finally see who the best of those two is, finally!!!

Johnson - 02/25/99 20:40:55
Alright. . .check this out. .on the game for Atari Jordan vs. Bird, whoever had Bird would win, because you would play decent defense and hit all your threes. So that must mean that Bird was a better player than Jordan.

Brian - 02/25/99 20:38:56
Alright, here we go. First of all, the best basketball player of all time is very hard to determine. I will say right now that I will never be able to single out one individual as the best, but here are a few that I think should have that nomination. B ll Russell, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Wilt Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, Magic Johnson, Earl Monroe, Julius Erving, and John Havelicek are just a few of the many that can have an arguement for the best ever. For the championship this year, I have o e question. Why is everyone saying the Pacers? They aren't doing that well. They might have the same team as last year, but what does that mean? Nothing. The Jazz on the other hand are looking real good. They have it all. A great point guard, aweso e power forward, and a very underated center. Ostertag is a very good big man. He is one of the few guys who can really play well against Shaq. I really think the Jazz have the upper-hand right now for the championship. As for this Nintendo game. I h ve never played it, and it sounds like I need to find it. Is it better than Tecmo Bowl? Cause in my opinion that is by far the greatest old school Nintendo game.

minyard - 02/25/99 17:57:31
And Combat Basketball was just plain terrible.

minyard - 02/25/99 17:56:54
Yeah, and we saw what Johnson's off-court encounters did for him, didn't we? Brad, the endorsement deals obviously went to Michael because he was the best for the company, not necessarily the best player. But we can't try to say that Jordan is overhyped because he has been more visible than Magic or Bird. It could be said that Jordan is in fact the cause of this increase in exposure. The NBA didn't make Jordan, he made the NBA. And as long as we are trying to compare players from different eras, why d n't we reach further back and come up with more candidates for greatest player of all time.

Brad - 02/25/99 16:56:03
Hold on a second.....using the '91 finals as an argument for Jordan is kind of lame. Magic wasn't in his prime he was getting old and he would have retired in a few years anyways, whether he had HIV or not. In his prime, Magic Johnson was the best ever. 72 wins for the Bulls more a result of the general mediocrity of the NBA rather than the talent of Michael Jordan. Inflated salaries dilutes the talent in the league so a semi wealthy team that can afford a major star and one or two good role players i guaranteed a Championship. The only reason people think Michael is the best ever is because he was made into the high profile mascot of the NBA and Nike. Magic and Larry Bird never got the huge endorsement deal, but both could be considered the best to ever play. Basically my point is that without all his endorsement deals, Michael Jordan would not be worshipped like he is now. The praise he gets is more a result of the marketing scheme of the NBA rather than his on the court performance.

Johnson - 02/25/99 06:00:55
You can't top the microwave. . He was clutch baby. 1990, Game 5 of the NBA finals. With .7 seconds left, Vinnie nails a jumper to screw the Portland Trail Blazers. That's right baby. Back to back for the Bad Boys.

Choo - 02/25/99 05:11:25
Minyard, I have yet to hear any commentator's predictions. I solely based that prediction off the fact that those teams have about the same lineups and their perfomance in last year's playoffs. And this b-s about Magic Johnson is just that bull fucking hit. I will admit that Magic doesn't get as much respect as he deserves. A lot of people just jump on the Jordan bandwagon without questioning it. Furthermore, Jordan was probably not as good a player as Magic when Magic was still in the league. He la ked some ball-handling skills and rarely passed the ball. However, Michael's game improved over his career. Yes, he still got his thirty points a night and never led the league in field goal percentage. Despite this, Jordan was a superior all-around de ensive player hands down. And just like Magic he raised the playing ability of his teammates. However, Michael had a greater drive than Magic and as many of Jordan's former teammates have commented, he refuses to lose. Despite Magic's offensive skills, he never led his team to 72 wins. And in the '91 finals, Magic couldn't boost his team to beat Michael and the bulls, who defeated the Lakers 4 games to 1. I will grant that Magic was probably a better offensive player all-around but the claim that he i better all-around the Michael is rather short-sighted. Perhaps the greatest claim to Michael's ability is Magic himself, who in repeated interviews, says Michael is the best. However, another respectable b-ball player by the name of Larry Bird attests o Magic's dominance. However, this shit is all opinionated so it is bull-shit.

Brad - 02/25/99 04:15:30
Chris....Vinnie "the Microwave" Johnson. Minyard..Magic was a better all around player. Sure he didn't score 60 pts. a game, but he didn't shoot 90 times a game like Jordan did. Magic was a better ball handler and passer than Jordan. I've seen Jordan t row the ball away more times than Magic ever did. Bill Laimbeer was an awesome white boy. He had the best basketball game on Nintendo for a white guy....Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. One more thing....Magic was also a better player off the court, f you know what I'm getting at......six chicks at one time. DAMN.

Johnson - 02/24/99 21:21:37
Vinnie Johnson

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