Dave's Ministry Inc.
listing of graceware resources from Cpt Dave's Ministry Headquarters
the first room on your right when you come to our front door!
Group Ideas Skits
Sermons Reflections
Things to Hand Out
Miscellaneous Easter & Holy Week
Return to the Most Excellent Home Page
Group Ideas
Craft Stuff - Stuff I use as kids club activities
The Game Page - Nothing Spiritual. Just
games to get people in the mood.
The World's Easiest Quiz - Just What it says!
Tournament of the Minds - A good one for
weekends away activity
Life Auction - An Auction that looks at
what's important in life.
Word Pictures - 56 Cryptic Puzzles
High School Class Material
High School Christian Education Classes - Curriculums and Lesson Plans for High School years 8 to 10 as taught at Geraldton Grammar School
The Alligator Story - Little sins v big sins
The Lady or the Tiger - If you loved someone, would you set them free?
The Discourager of Hesitancy - The lady or the tiger continued
Dead is Dead The story of a
customer, who doesn't know how to daily care for his new plant
The Devil and Christmas A few devils
lets us in on why they love Christmas so much
1 Corinthians 15 A condensed version
as a round table discussion at Corinth
Captain Dave's Sermon Index
Captain Dave's Sermon Index Sermons and Youth Talks of all shapes and sizes
Can I say the Lord's Prayer?
The Empty Tomb - An on line reflection.
Weekly Newsletter Devotions - As appears in Gerladton Grammar School's Gramaphone.
Thought for the day - A collection of thoughts with pictures from Geraldton Grammar's Chaplaincy Department.
Thought for the day #2 Thought for the day #3
Easter and Holy Week Activities
How to make palm crosses - For Palm Sunday. Good for school lessons
Christian Passover Meal - Retracing the events of the last supper
Passover Symbols - The symbolism of items on the Passover table
Crosses 'from paper plane to easter scene' - A simple object lesson
to Hand out
The 'Great Commission' Exemption Form
15 Ways to ensure your friends go to Hell
So, now you're a Christian
The rise and fall of democracies
A list of Fears
And Now, the Announcements
Captain Jack's Essay Writing Course
Eye spy with my confused eye?
Dave's On Line Guitar Archive
Free to use clip art
Jokes slightly longer than one line
Midi File - Shout to the Lord
Really silly one liner Bible Jokes
A Resignation Letter
feel free to submit any additions to this site. dhilton@gegs.wa.edu.au