Dear Family and Friends,

Hello to all those who are still interested in us. We are now entering our 5th year in Geraldton, and the front yard is at last completed! Life over here is good. Kaarin is entering year 4, while Minna (who refuses to answer to Morwenna) is entering pre-primary. Kaarin did very well last year, being top in music, 2nd in accademic achievement and performing very well in the national literacy test. Ali has become a bikie, having just gained her license. This will give me and the girls much more freedom with the car after school given Ali's somewhat awkward work hours. We are both still playing touch football, and I will be off to the state titles in Kalgoolie this year.

The bookshop ministry continues to grow at a good rate, though Ali is still having trouble bringing it into the black with some very tight margins. We trust that people in town are blessed having this resource. Alison is a pastoral assistant (read elder) at the Lutheran Church, and is involved in sunday school and worship leading. Kaarin is starting to play violin at church. The Lutherans in this town are a very down to earth group of people, though some are Port Power supporters.

Life goes on at the Grammar School. We held on to most of our staff from last year, and a large drop in fee's is making the school more accessable to many in the community. The down side to this is that I will have to remember a stack more names. I continue to promote the relationship between the school and the cathedral. The local anglican youth worker, Matt Brain has been a great blessing to my existence here. Ecclesiatical moves have given us a new dean and a new bishop. Under God, the cathedral may still yet become y2k compatable, as we move to weekly family services. I seem to preach reasonably regularlys there, and give substantial direction to to music.