
Eye Bar

             As I've grown older, I've come to value my free time much more than I did when I was younger. As a result of this, I'm less inclined to share it with those who don't share my interests, or those who wish to waste my time in pointless arguments that go nowhere. If you share one or more of my interests and want to correspond with me about them in a pleasant & productive fashion, feel free to Email me.

             For those who are just starting out in their Germanic religious or magical studies, I'd recommend the following reading lists, available in .doc format. To save these to your computer, right click your mouse on the link(s) of your choice and click "save target as" from the menu that appears.

....when you're finished with the contents of the list that addresses your focus and have to some extent implemented the information, feel free to Email me regarding the subjectmatter. To those who would present various excuses as to why they can't acquire the texts or spend the time reading them (as well as putting the contents into action) in order to pursue their interests in the subjects above, I say this: you don't really want to know badly enough.

Eye Bar
