Chaplain Charlie's Chapel in Hell

Welcome to Chaplain Charlie's
Chapel IN (NOT Of ) Hell

First of all, I make, nor ask, for any money for this web page ...
( and, I would also like to apologize for all the banner ads )
But I truly HOPE that what you find below,
might ' strike a cord ', or have a ' ring of Truth ', for each
and every 1 of the people that read the following.

I hold no educational degrees ...
but, Life imparts a degree of education, even upon the non-observant.

I hope that you will read all the links within, and I hope you will come to at least ' think '
about the conclusions I have reached.

My certainty rises every day ... and I'm very sorry about that !!!
May The One and ONLY God Bless us ALL !!!

Hi folks ... I'm Chaplain Charlie, I was ordained as a priest several years ago
after spending years on ' The Spiritual Quest ', brought about initially
by a Near Death Experience at age 26.

Long Story-LONG Dream - NDE - and a bit of history

Long story - short,
I saw myself get shot in a dream, and mentioned the dreams to some friends
a month before it actually happened in ' real life ',
but I didn't make the connection until ' flashbacks ' of the dream started
popping into my head two weeks after the shooting ...
along with the over-whelming feeling of " See, we TRIED to warn you... "

It was THEN that I realized that there was much more to life than just
' The Physical ' ...

It took a while for me to extricate myself from my life as a
bartender, bouncer, bodygaurd and 'Forrest Gump' of 'polite society's'
other side ... but it was then that my ' Quest ' began.

Folks, I am a priest ... not a Shepherd !!!
To me, a priest is simply someone dedicated to finding ' The Path ' back to God,
while attempting to help those whom they come in contact with along ' The Way '...
while a Shepherd leads a flock...
and I have nowhere to lead anyone, except Within...
and you can find YOUR door better than I ...
and rather than relying on someone else to TELL you what they mean...
PLEASE, read YOUR OWN Scriptures yourself... and then meditate on their meanings,
and attempt to put those lessons into your daily life ...

And Folks, please be nice to each other ...
After all, we are ALL on our way out !!!

If you take the time to consider our existence, and the pictures drawn of Hell in The Bible and The Koran, meditate on it ... We can never slake our thirst, nor, sate our hungers, completely ... Whether it be water, food, or any of the chosen objects of the Fires of our Desires ... sooner or later, we need, or want, MORE !!! That, along with the fact that many Scriptures are in parable form, to provoke thought as well as establish codes of conduct for our lives ... Could it be that we are ALREADY IN Hell
and that Christ, Mohammed and the other Holy Prophets were here to show us
The Way OUT before The Final Day ? And, until then, we return time after time, or, until we 'get it right' ... Bound, into The Bottomless Pit, revolving through the portals of the womb and the tomb ... We areThe Fallen ’ ... trapped in materiality until we no longer want, or yearn for anything more than forgiveness and reunion with God ( Allah ), and That, that would heal our shared experience of incompleteness ...
I cite Scripture from different religions because I believe that God,
over the millenia, Has Spoken to many peoples at many times,
and also, rather than being the God of 'one people', or another,
WE in FACT, all belong to GOD... as opposed to God being " ours "
( we can be so damned possessive, sometimes... )
Just a few of the Scriptural references that I believe
point to the fact that THIS is Hell ...

The Holy Bible re: Hell

Mark refers to the place called Hell three times in succession...
Mark 9:44 " Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. "
Mark 9:46 " Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. "
Mark 9:48 " Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. "
I can only think that the repetition is meant to cause reflection as to location
and conditions ... and, when you think about it, where else are there worms?
Did anyone else find it strange that the ONLY survivors to the space
shuttle disaster ... we're the worms in the science experiment ?

And, could the reference to 'unquenchable fire' refer to the fires of
appetites that must be fed continuously, rather than eternal 'physical flames' ?
And I'm not just speaking of food and drink ... our appetites for sex,
money, alcohol, drugs, power and the like, are ALL Fires of desire ...
and our obsessions and posessions may serve to damn us to hunger and thirst for MORE...

Matt. 13:42, " And shall cast them into the furnace of fire,
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. "
Matt. 13:50, " And shall cast them into the furnace of fire,
there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. "
It may not always be within sight or ear-shot, but, it IS constant...
somewhere, someone here on Earth is fighting and/or crying, 24 hours a day.

The Holy Koran re: Hell

The Koran refers to Hell as a place full of sinners ...

S.11 A.119 "I will fill Hell with *jinns and men"
(*jinns are the evil counterpart to Angels)

I can't speak for anyone else here, but, if the question "Who is a sinner ?" were asked,
I would have to raise my hand ... and I strongly suspect
if people answered honestly, there would be a few more hands in the air as well.

S.14 A. 16 "a place where the inhabitants will drink boiling, fetid water"
hmmm ... Coffee, Tea, or ... ?

S. 19 A. 70 "And certainly We know best those who are most worthy
of being burned therein."

S. 19 A. 71 "Not one of you but will pass over it : this is, With thy Lord,
a Decree which must be accomplished."

S. 19 A. 72 "But We shall save those who gaurded against evil,
And leave the wrong-doers therein, humbled to their knees."

My View of Hell
General Audience with the Pope Re: Hell
Reuter's News Article On The Pope's View of Hell
Thoughts on Reincarnation
Pope Performs Exorcisms
A Reuter's News Article ( 02/18/2002 )about The Pope Performing Exorcisms
And some comments.

* My Summation and A Prediction are at the bottom of this page.

The Holy Bible re: Reincarnation

While The Catholic Church, nor the Christian faiths that
have evolved from it, do not actively teach or embrace the concept
of reincarnation, ' The Church ' DID however, debate whether or not
to teach it in The Middle Ages...
but, they decided NOT to vote on it !!!
After all, they were trying to ' grow The Church ' in those days
so, rather than purchacing the ' Dispensations ' or ' Indulgences '
The Church was selling back then, many of the faithful would
have left their estates to their decendents, or those they had harmed,
if The Church were to espouse reincarnation.
Either in an attempt to reincarnate into the same family to enjoy the wealth again,
or to undo, or atone for sins committed against others.
And while ' The Church ' decided not to teach reincarnation,
over 50 percent of the worlds population does believe in Reincarnation
in one form or another.
When you think of it, God recycles everything in Nature ...
The seed becomes the tree, the leaf falls and becomes part of the earth again ...
the same recycling pattern is true for water, air, etc.
Why would'nt the same pattern be true our Souls ?
I also believe that there is evidence that Reincarnation was just
ONE of Christ's many lessons to us.
John 3:3
"Except that a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God"
Several of Christ's references to John the Baptist indicate
that John The Baptist was the reincarnated spirit of Elijah ...
Matt 11:13-14
Jesus says,
"For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John.
And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come."
and again, in Matt 17:12-13
Christ says,
"But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him…"
The disciples understood that he was speaking about John the Baptist.

The Holy Koran re: Reincarnation

S. 4 A. 56 "Those who reject
Our Signs We shall soon
Cast into the Fire:
As often as their skins
Are roasted through.
We shall change them
For fresh skins,
That they may taste
The Chastisement"
S. 16 A. 70

It is Allah Who creates you
And takes your souls at death;
And of you there are
Some who are sent back
To a feeble age, so that
They know nothing after
Having known (much)
For Allah is All-Knowing,

S. 16 A. 38 - 40
They swear their strongest oath
By Allah, that Allah will not
Raise up those who die:
Nay, but it is a promise
(Binding) on Him in truth:
But most among mankind
Know it not.

(They must be raised up),
In order that He may manifest
To them the truth of that
Wherein they differ, and that
The rejecters of Truth
May realize that they were liars.
For to anything which We
Have willed, We but say
"Be", and it is.

S. 19 A. 66 - 67
Man says: "What!
When I am dead, shall I
Then be raised up alive?"

But does not man
Call to mind that We
Created him before
Out of nothing?

S. 21 A.35
" Every soul shall have
A taste of Death;
And We test you
By evil and by good
By way of trial.
To Us must ye return."

S. 29 A. 57
Every soul shall have
A taste of death:
In the end to US
Shall ye be brought back.

S. 30 A. 19 It is He Who brings out
The living from the dead,
And brings out the dead
From the living, and Who
Gives life to the earth
After it is dead:
And thus shall ye be
Brought out (from the dead).

S. 40 A. 11
" They will say: 'Our Lord!
Twice hast Thou made us
To die, and twice
Hast Thou given us Life!
Now have we recognized
Our sins : is there
Any way out of this ? "

S. 45 A. 24
And they say: "What is
There but our life
In this world ?
We shall die and we live,
And nothing but Time
Can destroy us." But
Of that they have no
Knowledge: they merely conjecture

S. 46 A. 33
See they not that
Allah, Who created the heavens
And the earth, and never
Wearied with their creation,
Is able to give life
To the dead? Yea, verily
He has power over all things.

S.50 A. 3
"What! When we die
And become dust, (shall we
Live again) That is
A (sort of) Return
Far (from our understanding)."

S. 56 A. 60 - 61
We have decreed Death
To be your common lot,
And We are not
To be frustrated

From changing your Forms
And creating you (again)
In (Forms) that ye know not.

S. 86 A. 5 - 8
Now let man but think
From what he is created
He is created from
A drop emitted-
Proceeding from between
The backbone and the ribs:
Surely (Allah) is able
To bring him back
(To life) !

To learn The TRUE Teaching of The Holy Koran,
I would suggest :
" The Holy Koran "
English translation
of meanings
and Commentary
Printed by The King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex.

But, rather than just reading it ...
I would suggest a ' reading - thinking, pause, - back to reading again ' approach,
from cover to cover ...
IF you read it with an Open Mind, you will recognize
The Author !!!

If you just want to learn a bit about what TRUE Muslims believe,
I would suggest Oprah Winfrey's " Islam 101 " at : Islam 101

I quote the First Surrah in The Holy Koran :
1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful.
2. Praise be to Allah
The Cherisher and Sustainer
of the Worlds:
3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
4. Master of the Day of Judgement.
5. Thee do we worship.
And Thine aid we seek.
6. Show us the straight way.
7. The way of those on whom
Thou has bestowed Thy Grace,
Those whose portion
Is not wrath.
And those who go not astray.

Osama bin Laden and his zealot friends seek to judge mankind
and to punish anyone that does not share their interpretation of
The Holy Koran.
Allah is All Merciful, All Forgiving, and All Just !!!
Osama bin Laden is NONE of the above !!!
The Holy Koran provides RULES for when war is permissible,
AND for who may be fought, as well as rules for when arms MUST be laid down.
TRUE Muslims KNOW that Allah
is The ONLY Judge !!!
and The Final Judge IS
Allah ...
known to the 'Western world ' as GOD !

I call on all TRUE Muslims to re-examine those rules set down in The Holy Koran
and then to reflect upon the actions of Osama bin Laden and his terrorist groups ...
We MUST obey Allah !!!
NOT Osama bin Laden !!!
Turn away from those on the path of evil, and expose them.
And then let Peace be amongst us ALL !!!

Do NOT let the insurgents scare you away from voting after they have gone to such great lengths to kill anyone involved with regaining your FREEDOM !!! You may not like the USA, but think of how many of your OWN citizens and relatives they have killed to prevent you from having YOUR OWN FREEDOMS !!! And consider the worth of having your own life, and it's natural Freedoms given back to you !!!
RISE UP !!! and turn against them, and turn them, and their weapon staches in to the people that are trying to give you back what you have always deserved !!!

Your OWN personal FREEDOM !!!

Oh, and Osama ...
If you if get to read this before your death, or capture ...
I can not ' Judge ' you ... nor any other Soul here in Hell.

Unfortunately, I am sinner too ...
and because, our Final Judge is Allah.
If you were standing in front of me, I could not kill you,
unless it was to prevent you from taking the life of another.
I am also aware that we are living in world
FULL of sin, sinners, and excesses of every degree,
and that Sodom, Gomorra, and Babylon might pale
in comparison to the state of MANY in THIS world today.
But, Osama ... YOU are NOT our Judge ...
And to pretend that you ARE ...
is also a sin, and an insult to Allah.
And also, Osama, the REAL Jihad is WITHIN our own selves !!!
It is the constant struggle to live by, and obey Allah's commandments.

And that goes for you self appointed ' masters ' of others fates as well !!!
You that KILL religious men and claim it was in the name of GOD.( Allah )
You have NO right to JUDGE others while YOU are still sinners yourselves.
Even if you merely entertain the thought of sin... You are hypocrites !!!

Help Stop Terrorism !!!
Visit the FBI link below :
FBI Terrorism Page
Or if you've seen any of the people on The FBI's Most Wanted List :
FBI Most Wanted Terrorist List & Pictures
Please notify Law Enforcement personnel immediately !!!

Go here for a bit about :
Turning Bathing into a Sacramental Experience Religious Water Rites

or here for a little about Fasting On Fasting and Self Denial
or here, Tell Children The Truth !!!

If you have read " A Course In Miracles ", or even if you haven't
Gary Renard provides some EXCELLENT information in his book
" The Disappeaarance of The Universe "
The Disappearance of The Universe by Gary R. Renard

Try this, and witness the changes for yourself...
Do you have adesire for some thing (or someone) in your life
that you KNOW is NOT good for you ? ... and yet, you continue to
crave and want it ? (or crave and sate it ?) ...
Try viewing that desire or craving from the perspective of
already being IN Hell, and the desire or craving as one of the
flames of your particular torment... and then, SAY a PRAYER
to GOD for the strength to avoid being burned again
... then put it behind you ...
and move forward on your Path ...
This experiment does not require any external actions ...
just an occasional (and temporary) shift of perspective
and, the more repeated, the more sucessful your efforts will be ...
While I realize this subject matter and the observations contained here may be quite disconcerting,
and seem to 'fly in the face' of what we are taught and led to believe by our Churches.
I believe the reason Scripture is often in parable form is to cause us to THINK
and examine TRUTH from different perspectives, and then, hopefuly,
apply it in our own lives
Sometimes, it helps to examine one's 'needs' and see them in a different light...
That, in itself, sometimes serves to temper those perceived 'needs'...
I hope it may help you with yours...

IF I am correct in my interpretations of Scripture,
we will be witnessing 'magnifications of polarities' in the near future...
The Good, will be VERY Good... the BAD, will be even more horrendous
and believe me Folks... I'd MUCH rather the case be that I was wrong about all this...
but, YOU be the judge, as you witness our global
(and YOUR Local) current events and conditions ...
Read your OWN Scripture for the Road Map OUT of HELL !!!
and then FOLLOW the Path !!!
Visit the aptly named Drudge Report for at least one atrocity, drought,
catastrophy, famine, natural disaster, or plague, per day.

( most of the preceding paragraph was written before the events of 9/11/2001 )
I can only Hope and Pray THAT is as horrendous as events get ...
But, my Hope is flawed ... because I also have doubts.

Attention Secular and Non Secular Institutions of Higher Education
Please consider this page as my ' Thesis ' ...

The " answers " that I believe I have found, are my answers...
and might only spoil your search by mere acceptance... For some(,) answers are altered by growth and experience ... But, if your search is of paramount importance, and, if you recognize the value of multiple perspectives... let these ideas become another possible vantage point for your consideration... Sometimes it is difficult to find center until you have been to the extremes ... If, and when, you DO find center ... Give thanks to God and pray for balance ...
then, Be Still, and Know ...
Folks, I can only BEG that you PLEASE
return to your OWN Scriptures
and re-read them from this possible vantage point...
and then, look around ... and examine the Hungers and Thirsts
that you see everwhere around you... and those you feel inside yourself ...
Read your Scriptures SLOWLY and MEDITATE on them ...
after all, our Most Important Obligation in our existence on Earth
is to return our Soul to God in the BEST possible condition that we can.

The Most Important Discovery of The Millennium

and go here to read about The MOMENT of Discovery

This Chapel has no collection plate ...
However, if you believe this information to be of value
Comments ? Please leave them in my Guest Book ...
or email me at : ... Thanks !

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In ' The End ', possessions won't be important, but rather,
how they were held and how they were passed on ...

Thank you !!!

Chaplain Charlie also known asStarTupNgo

I would like to thank my old friend Rachel Stansbery (wherever she may be)
for the time we spent together (as friends & fellow employees) ...
Rachel, just knowing you was a pleasure !!!
I wish you the BEST ... and always will. God Bless you Pal !!!

* Please click here for My Summation
* A Prediction of Earth Changes A Prediction
( Written at least a year before the massive recent ( 12/04 ) earthquakes and tsunamis )

For some Helpful Hints on Life and Remembering Your Soul,
visit this frequent Oprah Winfrey guest
Gary Zukav's Home Page

Some GREAT Research Links on The Web
My Favotie Research Pages
or, you can go here to see some of my Net Friends Pages and linksNet Friends Links
Use your Back Button to go back,
or go below for some more of my pages...

I was a Licensed Massage Therapist in the state of Florida ...
Check the The Massage Tips Page
Here for The Spinal Column Page
Here for The Tennis Ball Technique Page (for mid & low back relief)
here for The Headache Page
Here for The Foot Reflexology Page
Here's the Patient Breathing Technique Page
Here for The Sun Poisoning Relief Page
Here's an explanation of The 'Nick', The Star and 'The Gift'
or go here for The Bumper-Snicker Page

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Aside from Scriptural references, all material on this page is the
sole property of Charles D. Tuppen III aka StarTupNgo
(copyright 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004 C.D.Tuppen III (StarTupNgo)
Please request permission before posting or publishing elsewhere,
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