Thanks for signing in!
Let me know how you like this site.
Is there anything you would like to see here in the future? Do you have a study to contribute? Let me know. It's good to study and read the Word.
Roy & LaRhonda Ellis - 08/25/00 02:09:13 My State: Texas | Comments: Glad to find you! Thanks for your service. |
david - 11/04/99 08:56:58 My State: florida | Comments: also study with the chapel HOLY SPIRIT guided to chapel in 1996. |
Ethel Judy - 09/27/99 20:53:56 My State: KY | Comments: Hello Everyone, I attended fall fellowship 99 my first service with Pastor Murray. IT was GREAT!!! It was great to visit with other SC Students. I love this web site it helps me to plant seeds and to grow in my own studies. I thank God for all of you Pastor Murray and the staff at Shepherds Chapel all are wonderful. Send me e-mails from time to time. Keep up THE TRUE WORD of GOD. |
rose - 08/19/99 01:37:48 My State: AR | Comments: ETHYL in KY u have emailed me twice that u r coming to gravette in september but i do not have your email address and can't find it! hope u see this and send it to me! anyone else coming for fall fellowship please let me know as i live in gravette and attend the chap l ETHYL PLEASE SEND ME EMAIL ! |
Richard A. Brandel - 08/16/99 02:45:24 My State: Ohio | Comments: Hello Everyone, Just got this computer and still trying to figure out how to use it. Glad to have found you folks people here dont understand the scriptures as I do so it gets a little lonley and frustrating. If anyone gets this let me know. Thanks. In HIS service. Richard |
- 08/10/99 09:34:08 | Comments: |
Gay Jensen - 08/10/99 09:24:31 My Email:agjensen@webtv State: ND | Comments: |
Rose - 07/29/99 00:50:05 My State: Arkansas | Comments: I am blessed to live in Gravette and attend the Chapel. Would love to correspond with other serious SC students- remember you are noy alone out there! Please write! In His Love Rose |
Dave - 06/19/99 09:52:29 My URL: My State: Tn. | Comments: Hi, just wanted to say hellow since we're neighbors on SGW. May you be blessed in our Father's Truth in planting seeds. Dave. |
Andrew McMaster - 05/04/99 02:16:29 My State: PA | Comments: Great site! |
Linda Kaminski - 04/10/99 14:28:45 My State: Delaware | Comments: I love Shepherds Chapel and Pastor Murray! I used to get it on my cable system, but I can't anymore. I order the tapes though and learn alot from them. I'm so glad to find web sites to study from also. Keep Gods Word coming into all the world!!!! |
Carolyn McConnell - 04/01/99 02:57:33 My State: VA | Comments: Please, send me your News letter. Mrs. Carolyn McConnell Route 1, Box 64-C Nickelsville, VA 24271 |
Gina Hobbs - 02/28/99 02:14:22 My URL: My State: Ca | Comments: Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ! Loved your site! |
jeff - 01/30/99 06:00:05 State: ga | Comments: If your happy thiking you belong to a "secret" and "privilidged" group,then you should also think about becoming a Mormon or Jehovah's Witness. They pick and choose verses no less than Shepard's Chapel. You don't know me from a JEW named Jesus, but I stil must offer you the Truth. Whether you seek it or not is up to ou. I know, I know, you think you ARE seeking the Truth, and the conspiracy stuff just adds to the charm, doesn't it? However, you are missing several basic Truths, the first of which is " Ye ust be born-again ".The second is that everything Shepard's Chapel teaches is contridicted elsewhere in the Bible. Please read the WHOLE Bible, and pray for understanding. The Jewish nation is the "Father's" nation. The whole Bible screams it. Unless your " Father" is named Murray. :) <>< Christ is Lord ! |
Sharon Joseph - 01/17/99 05:11:48 My State: ky | Comments: I love studing with Shepherds Chapel it has been such a blessing to learn God's true word and not some man's opinions. I have been studing with the chapel for about four years now, and have learned so much. I thank God for them, because I know they work very hard to bring God's true word to life. |
Phil - 12/19/98 05:15:09 My URL: My | Comments: Hi Sharon! |
richard mcclendon - 12/03/98 13:36:02 My State: south carolina | Comments: |
walter - 11/12/98 14:37:53 My State: GA | Comments: a new student |
Rick - 11/12/98 07:52:36 My State: OK | Comments: I'm curious why the "be filled" on the web page bursts into flame. |
steve - 11/09/98 08:39:57 My State: il | Comments: |
steve - 11/09/98 08:39:56 My State: il | Comments: |
steve - 11/09/98 08:39:55 My State: il | Comments: |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
danny - 10/20/98 16:53:56 My | Comments: It is always a pleasure to meet someone else who studies with chapel. Drop me a line sometime. |
darren - 10/20/98 01:57:30 My State: Minnesota | Comments: Good to see SCN on the net. I'm looking for fellowship in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. |
Danny B - 10/14/98 17:02:49 My State: Indiana | Comments: Hello again. I'm correcting my address, it was wrong on 10-13 comment. I am seeking others from the Indianapolis area for fellowship. I have been studying with Pastor for about 3 yrs. Enjoy the web site. |
danny - 10/13/98 20:03:33 My State: indiana | Comments: Always enjoy meeting others who are similar in beliefs |
Sherry - 10/10/98 03:24:58 My State: Nevada | Comments: I love the teachings of Shepherds Chapel.Its great to have this wonderful blessed websight. I'd love to hear from you people that study Gods word. God Bless us. |
Cindy - 09/25/98 10:34:03 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Jason - 08/08/98 02:52:52 My URL:/collegepark/field/7914 My State: California | Comments: Hi, my name is Jason and I have been studying with Shepherds Chapel for the past two years. How can I get my webpage in the SC Student webpages? I would also like some info on your bible studies. Do you have a chat interface with any other students? lease email me. If you'd like check out my website. |
test - 08/07/98 04:48:52 | Comments: testtesttest |
Aubrey Smith - 08/07/98 00:27:00 My State: IA | Comments: Glad to see Shepherd's Chapel on the internet. Excellent website. |
Paul - 08/05/98 17:30:00 My URL: My State: IL | Comments: Would you consider linking my site? Is the homepage for a free CD offer. All the songs are word for word from the bible. including Mark 13 Psalm 22 and others. samples are available as well. |
Tim igou - 06/14/98 15:15:41 My State: kansas | Comments: thank you for puting up a page that people can get information on gods truth |
- 05/23/98 08:16:52 My State: florida | Comments: |
Ron - 05/19/98 19:35:50 My URL: My State: Missouri | Comments: All things work to the good for those who love the Lord. |
Christine - 04/24/98 02:50:33 My | Comments: |
Ernie Robinson - 04/03/98 13:32:47 My State: Texas | Comments: I like your web site very much. It's is about are Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. |
joE - 04/01/98 23:14:38 My Email:JCTIMBER@AOL.COM State: CT | Comments: iS THERE A STATEMENT OF DOCTINEby the shepherd's chapel. Please don't be cute and say the Bible. There myst be a concise statement somewhere. I am interested in what I see but want to see more. |
Kerry Joseph - 03/30/98 00:42:46 My URL: My State: California | Comments: Praise God that the true word is going out on all formats to reach new listners with the truth of our Father and His Son Jesus Christ. And to wake them up to that we are in the last generation and that end time prophecy is being fufilled in our day. also I would like to say God bless Dr. Murry and everyone at the Chapel who take part in God's ministry. |
- 03/30/98 00:32:39 | Comments: |
Jacqueline Campau - 03/29/98 12:29:51 My State: MI | Comments: I really enjoy having these ways to keep in touch with my church and my pastor and now even some of the other attenders. Praise God!! |
Christine - 03/29/98 04:10:10 State: Canada | Comments: |
Christine - 03/29/98 04:05:33 | Comments: |
John A and Teresa M - 03/28/98 08:17:11 My URL:The Rain">The Rain My State: Wyoming | Comments: Hi Sharon; We just dropped by to say "keep up the good work", the site is looking nice. |
John A and Teresa M - 03/28/98 08:15:34 My URL: My State: Wyoming | Comments: Hi Sharon; We just dropped by to say "keep up the good work", the site is looking nice. |
Diana Anderson - 03/28/98 00:47:15 My State: Tennessee | Comments: Hello, This message is to let you know that I really enjoy studying the Word of God with the Shepherds Chapel on TV and on the Internet. Thank you so much for having this Web Site. It is a real help for Bible Study Students like myself to be able to co e here to study when I'm not able to watch the Dr. Murray's lectures on TV. Thanks again. Keep up the good work. Diana |
Deb Hammond - 03/28/98 00:12:27 My State: Illinois | Comments: I follow Pastor Murray's bible studies as much as possible which is about 2-3times a week. His broadcast is the first thing on Channel 4 @5am. I am happy to see there is a Website I can go to in order to catch what I haven't seen on TV. May his teaching continue. Deb Hammond |
Ina Owens - 03/22/98 19:18:06 My State: TN | Comments: Iam so excited,to have found Part of the family. I want to explore it all at once. Great page, I love the music!! |
Lee j. - 03/15/98 03:54:33 My URL: My State: New Mexico USA | Comments: Hi Sharon...found your page interesting. Like to do studies in Christian Apologetics and was wondering if you had any good information in this area. Current doing studies on Roman Catholicism corresponding with a couple of Catholic apologists. will start tudy on Islam as we will travel to Philippines this summer. Your servant in Christ, Lee j. |
Maxwell - 03/06/98 02:38:40 My URL: My State: Cali | Comments: Look's good! I hope to visit your page more often |
Keith - 02/26/98 22:18:57 My State: Indiana | Comments: Hello to all Shepherd's Chapel students!!! It's nice to know I'm not alone in this world after all!! ha ha. I would love to hear from all of you. Whether it's to say hi or discuss issues or whatever. I live in southern Indiana, I'm 26, and have been stud ing with Dr. Murray for about 3 years! Long live the King!!! |
"Breezy" aka,Carol - 02/26/98 05:03:51 My State: N.C. | Comments: Shalom, Sharon. I've enjoyed reading and absorbing some of your hard work. I will be back. I must finish the Westminister Abby,Mars mystery, and so much more. I am a former musician,and I know that I have danced with Jewish friends to that music. What is the name of it? I wished it played through every page!But,Sharon, blessed music makes my spirit soar, what can I say..:<)) :>))FATHER, I ask that you bless this sight, for YOUR PERFECT PURPOSE. May it plant 'seeds' for YOUR harvest and that your HOLY SPIRIT WILL INCREASE THE GROWTH. I ask in YESHUA'S PRECIOUS NAME, AMEN Agape from us, Robert and Breezy |
Jona Boone - 02/25/98 03:18:11 My State: MS | Comments: It's great to be home! |
Jeanie Williams - 02/22/98 12:01:32 My State: AR | Comments: Great webpage, Sharon. You did a real good job of it. Love, Jeanie |
GINGER BRYAN - 02/14/98 19:03:37 My State: tx | Comments: Sharon sissy, The new website looks great!! I need to write down the url so when those campus christians hunt me down again. lots of love sissy |
Tiffani - 02/08/98 22:39:14 My State: texas | Comments: keep up the good work.great webpage |
Davey Chapman - 02/07/98 17:00:55 My State: Ga. | Comments: GOOD WEB PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Stephen&Dawn Faunce - 02/05/98 02:01:19 My State: NC | Comments: Hello Sharon, Love your site keep up the good work.Just love it every time I see a new SC site go up on the web.Makes me feel real good to know thier our others out there from SC and care en- ough to take the time to spread the word of TRUTH!!!!!!!! another seed-planter from NC Dawn |
Jamie Price - 02/03/98 05:21:45 My State: OK | Comments: This site is great, I've been wanting to get the past newsletters, thanks. Thanks so much for all you do, much work and love for out Father put into this. God Bless, Jamie |
Jamie Price - 02/03/98 05:19:29 My Email:mj93 | Comments: |
Linda - 01/31/98 15:04:05 My State: Pa. | Comments: Father surely will be proud! |
Ginger - 01/27/98 05:43:13 My State: tx | Comments: Sissy, I tried to email but failed because I'm still an amature. But I just wanted to say hi and give you my email address. Love you mucho Ginger |
bruiser - 01/23/98 15:51:32 My State: NC | Comments: Well done, Sharon! Especially like the tools page. Well organized and easy to access. Keep it up. |
James - 01/22/98 22:25:49 My URL: My State: Wisconsin | Comments: Great work on your page. Look at my sight when you get time. Your page looks Great! |
Amy Luciano - 01/19/98 05:59:07 My URL: My State: AZ | Comments: Hello, Sharon Very nice page, with lots of great links. I was just thinking, when I first started exploring cyberspace, the only reference I could find to The Shepherd's Chapel was Phil's web page, now there are many. What a blessing to reach so many others with the ruth in God's Word. Good luck with your new project. Blessings, Amy |
Deborah Beck - 01/17/98 06:38:49 My URL: My State: Texas | Comments: Hello Sharon Just checking you out its great can I link to your page. Glad to see another student ..... Check out the Uoffical Shepherd Chapel Web Ring this would be a good addition. Submit it to Reine or if you want more info let me know. Nice job keep orking. |
Mark Barry - 01/17/98 00:58:01 My State: Texas | Comments: Hi Sharon, glad to see a site from a Houston student. Thanks again for your prayers concerning my neice. She went to be with the Father on the 6th of January. The accident happened on FM 2025 near Cleveland. Take care and may God Bless you and your family. |
George - 01/17/98 00:01:41 My Email:you know State: you already know that to | Comments: Looking real good. I don't know if I like the music though. How about some Led Zeppelin or maybe Eric Clapton. Just kidding. Its very nice. You'll have to have mom see it. Your Bro |
Watchman - 01/16/98 16:46:29 My URL: My State: Florida | Comments: Shalom, Your site is coming along. It's great to see more Shepherd's Chapel sites. You can link to any studies of mine you want to. Shalom in Yeshua Watchman |
Ramona - 01/16/98 16:03:09 My | Comments: Thanks for all your hard work. God bless you as you get the Word out. |
Marie ~* - 01/16/98 14:30:29 My URL: My State: MA | Comments: Hello Sharon, just stopped by to check out your new site. Its looking great girl...keep up the good work. LOve In Christ, ~*Marie*~ |
Donna - 01/16/98 14:13:10 My URL: State: FL | Comments: Hey Sharon ! Came by to check it out ... love that little news ticker ... looking forward to see your pages grow :-) I'll come by and check again for good studies. |
George Bryan - 01/16/98 02:18:43 My State: TX | Comments: Hello Sharon, Looking good. You'll have to teach me one of these days how to do everything. George |
Ginger Bryan - 01/16/98 02:15:27 State: Tx | Comments: Sissy, Very creative!! But I'll look again when it's finished. I didn't know that Pastor Murray was on the Internet. I'm going to go look at his website. Love you |
Sharon - 01/13/98 05:39:36 My URL: My State: Texas | Comments: Hello. Good to hear from you. I am just testing out this new guestbook. :-) |