Welcome to the place especially designed for all those lonely
music teachers who tend to be isolated from the rest of the school
- not only physically (other classes don't want to hear all the
banging and squealing), but also in terms of small department
size (often one or two classroom teachers) and contact with other
staff (lunchtimes are taken up with rehearsals).
I hope you find something useful here. Please let me know what you have found useful, or what you would like to see.
These are a great source of recorded song accompaniments. MIDI files can be imported into sequencers such as MicroLogic in order to remove the melody and change the tempo and instruments, or into publishing programs such as Encore.
The best source of choral music in MIDI format. Great for rehearsal tapes for your choir. | |
Lots of useful MIDI links. | |
Add-on styles and songs for Band-in-a -Box. | |
Specialised MIDI file search engine. |
MusiTech Ltd (www.musitech.co.nz)
Ditto. E-mail
The website also contains information on courses, term dates, Music Education news etc.
The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum
This is the national curriculum statement for the essential learning area of The Arts.
The Arts in the New Zealand Curriculum replaces the existing syllabuses for art and music.
The National Certificate of Educational Achievement is the senior secondary school national qualification that has been implemented in New Zealand schools since 2002.
NCEA Internal Assessment Resources for Music at TKI
NCEA Achievement Standards and Unit Standards
Also check out:
Assessment Specifications
Reports and Assessment Schedules
Judgement Statements
Learning Ideas
Here you can buy Aural and Music Knowledge resources
e-learning resources online aural training
Web based aural training for music teachers and students
New Zealand Community Trust Chamber Music Contest
Play It Strange - songwriting competition
The Music & Science Information Computer Archive
FONT SIZE=2>MuSICA Research Notes is a newsletter issued three times a year, that provides reports and critical analysis of research on music and behavior, including education, child development, psychology, cognitive sciences, neuroscience, clinical medicine, music therapy and allied fields.
Music Teacher International
The online face of the magazine for music teachers. Lots of articles avilable to read at this excellent site.
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
Our National Orchestra
Sound Junction
Listen, Explore, Discover & Create at this website produced by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
Finland's only music academy, and one of the largest in Europe, offers this list of music links.
The Choral Public Domain Library
Begun in December 1998, CPDL is one of the world's largest free sheet music sites. You can use CPDL to find scores, texts, translations, and information about composers.
Musical Compositions.Net
Arrangements and original compositions by Carl Hammond, available for preview and immediate download
KBB Music
If you're in a NZ High School Music Department you'll have received lots of paper from KBB, who have the largest range of Brass & Woodwind Instruments and Accessories in New Zealand. Now you can browse their website.
New Zealand's largest retail musical instrument group with 32 Stores Nationwide
Play That Guitar!
'Play that Guitar!' is a new, easy-to-learn book and CD for the beginner guitar player which will have you playing tunes and strumming chords in minutes. Class sets available.
The Allmusic Academy
New Zealand's Free Guitar Website, featuring free lessons online, daily music news, billboard charts & free guitar song of the week
Kiwi Music
Kiwi FM
New Zealand Music of the 60's and 70's
NZ Music Industry Commission
The Big City
Band info, gig guides, reviews, MP3s, TABs...
Music Education New Zealand/Aotearoa
NZSME is the official Subject Organisation
for Music in New Zealand. It covers music education from pre-school to tertiary, and organises a conference every two years. This site has lots of good music links.
SOUNZ - The Centre for New Zealand Music
Looking for a piece of New Zealand music for
your choir, string quartet, piano student etc? The searchable
database at this excellent site will be able to tell you exactly
what's available and how to get it.
New Zealand Arts Links
Kay's Secondhand Books &
Used Sheet Music
NZ Top 50
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music - the New Zealand site
Very comprehensive.
An Australian outfit offering new & used non-fiction books & sheet music to the world!
Top 50 singles updated each week (official Recording Industry Association of New Zealand site)
All the information you need about examination dates
and fees, local representatives, ordering music and syllabuses,
and finding a music teacher to teach young Julie to play the baritone
Institute Of Registered Music Teachers Of New Zealand
Like it says...
Music Education Online
American Music Education Links
Music Teacher's Resource Site
UK music teacher's site, with resources, reviews, MIDIs, tips etc.
Snowhawk's "Harmonious Sounds" Music Links
Some interesting bits and pieces, including some histories of jazz, blues and rock.
Indiana University School of Music Library
Music Resources on the Internet
On-Line Guitar Archive
An easy way to find the chords to a song. Someone else has already done it for you!
Music Research Information Service (MRIS)
This is the gateway to CAIRSS, a bibliographic database of music
research literature, and TIME, a bibliographic database of music
software reviews and archives, as well as remote music services.
MRIS also posts announcements regarding music research activities
such as conference announcements, calls for papers, requests for
assistance, newsletters, and publication announcements.
The Pepper Network
This is the place to get sheet music. Although it's on
the other side of the world, music teachers who use JW Pepper
& Son swear by their extensive catalogue and quick and friendly
New Zealand Education Gazette
Looking for a new job in New Zealand education? The latest details are online here, as well as information on courses, scholarships etc.
The Ministry of Education's site all about teaching in New Zealand
Music Notes
Theory, history, games.
A worldwide distribution network for Shareware, Freeware, and Public Domain software. There are hundreds of Windows music programmes for you to download.
The ORGAN Page
Website of the Christchurch Town Hall
organ. Hear it!
The Internet Centre for Choral Music. Includes a comprehensive list of publishers.
Piper's NZ Music Education Links
Why a Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys firm has such a comprehensive list of links is beyond me, but it's great! They also sponsor the Auckland Choral Society .
Free Download ManagerUpdated 21st of May, 2007
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