If there is one thing most people are sure they know, it's that Masons are never supposed to talk about Masonry.

Then why hasn't anyone ever asked me to join? People have asked me to join Rotary, Lions, and other clubs.

What goes on in a Masonic Meeting?

(4)  What's the initiation like?

I've heard that Masonry is a religion. Is it? Can a man be a Mason and a Christian at the same time?

Are there any churches or religions whose members you won't accept as Masons?

What about those "Secret Vows" I hear so much about?

Why don't you let women join?

Just what is a "Lodge?" What does it look like? Who runs it?

If that is the Lodge, what is the "Grand Lodge?"

Just what do Masons do?

How does a man become a Mason?