Wandering Rose's Web Page

animated gif copyrite Kitty Roach

Do you think your favorite film was unfairly treated by the critics? Or maybe you spent $7.00 to see
a movie the critics loved but you hated!
Film and book reviews, as well as poetry, and short
stories are some of what you will find here.
Please email me for details as to how your works
can be shown also.

Poetry in the Rose Garden
From Melissa If you love Hazel and Fiver, or enjoyed Rabbit Hill, you will find more of the same
in "The Spirit of Rabbit."
"binary", something a little different I hope that you will enjoy.
Byte x Byte, offers articles on computer software and hardware. In the future I hope to add a form
for support questions, till then feel free to e mail me any questions you might have.
The Power Within New From Melissa, relating the struggle for the leadership of the pack
Spielburg's Saving Private Ryan
Links Looking for someplace different to go? Check out Wandering Rose's Place on the Big Network!

The Works displayed on these pages are the sole property of the respective authors and may not be reproduced
in any form without their express permision.

Special Thanks Go To Rita Peitz and Kitty Roach for the Lovely Graphics Used Here!
