The Grateful Dead Live Album Database
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Dick's Picks, Page 1Dick's Picks, Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Dick's Picks, Page 2Dick's Picks, Vols. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Dick's Picks, Page 3Dick's Picks, Vols. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Dick's Picks, Page 4Dick's Picks, Vols. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Dick's Picks, Page 5Dick's Picks, Vols. 25 and 26
View from the Vault PageView from the Vault Soundtracks
Live Albums, Page 1Dead Set, Dozin' at the Knick, Dylan & the Dead, Europe '72, Fallout from the Phil Zone, Fillmore East 2-11-69, Go to Nassau, Grateful Dead (Skull & Roses), Historic Dead, History of the Grateful Dead, Vol. 1 (Bear's Choice)
Live Albums, Page 2Hundred Year Hall, Infared Roses, Ladies & Gentlemen ... The Grateful Dead, Live/Dead, Nightfall of Diamonds, One from the Vault, Postcards of the Hanging, Reckoning
Live Albums, Page 3SNL25: The Musical Performances, So Many Roads, Steal Your Face, Steppin' Out with the Grateful Dead, Terrapin Station; Two from the Vault, Vintage Dead, Without a Net
Video PageDead Ahead; Downhill from Here; The Grateful Dead Movie; The Making of the Touch of Grey Video; Ticket to New Years

. . . or view the listings by album.

NameDate ReleasedLengthCulledDiscsSongsWent GoldPage
Dead Ahead09/05/951:54:0010/22/80--10/31/80N/A1711/20/95V
Dead Set08/__/811:13:529/25/80--10/14/80, 10/22/80--10/31/801141
Dick's Picks, Vol. 111/01/932:04:5912/19/732151
Dick's Picks, Vol. 203/07/950:58:2010/31/711081
Dick's Picks, Vol. 3__/__/952:18:015/22/772151
Dick's Picks, Vol. 403/11/963:10:052/13/70b, 2/14/70b3201
Dick's Picks, Vol. 505/28/962:56:0912/26/793241
Dick's Picks, Vol. 610/07/962:57:4410/14/833211
Dick's Picks, Vol. 703/04/973:33:079/9/74, 9/10/74, 9/11/743231
Dick's Picks, Vol. 806/14/972:57:075/2/703272
Dick's Picks, Vol. 9__/__/972:59:489/16/903202
Dick's Picks, Vol. 100_/__/983:18:0912/29/77, 12/30/773272
Dick's Picks, Vol. 110_/__/983:16:569/27/723252
Dick's Picks, Vol. 120_/__/983:24:586/26/74, 6/28/743292
Dick's Picks, Vol. 1303/__/993:27:055/6/81, 11/1/793272
Dick's Picks, Vol. 1406/__/994:39:1011/30/73, 12/2/734323
Dick's Picks, Vol. 1510/18/992:56:589/3/773203
Dick's Picks, Vol. 160_/__/003:11:0811/8/693233
Dick's Picks, Vol. 170_/__/003:14:239/25/913263
Dick's Picks, Vol. 180_/__/003:48:422/3/78, 2/4/78, 2/5/783263
Downhill from Here__/__/972:30:007/17/89--7/19/89N/A22V
Dozin' at the Knick10/29/963:16:403/24/90--3/26/903273
Dylan & The Dead01/31/890:44:047/4,10,12,19,24,26/871074
Europe '7211/__/721:50:064/7/72--5/26/7221812/14/724
Fallout from the Phil Zone06/14/97?2:03:52All Shows2114
Fillmore East 2-11-69__/__/972:06:222/11/692194
Grateful Dead10/06/711:10:133/24/71--4/6/71, 4/25/71--4/29/71, 5/29/71--5/30/71?11311/15/714
The Grateful Dead Movie06/01/772:11:0010/16/74--10/20/74N/A13V
Greyfolded: Transitive Axis08/__/941:00:001/20/68...9/13/93101
Greyfolded: Mirror Ashes08/__/950:46:499/2/68...12/12/90101
Historic Dead05/__/710:19:141/7/66...12/24/660044
History of the Grateful Dead Vol. 1 (Bear's Choice)7/13/730:47:162/13/70b, 2/14/70b1074
Hundred Year Hall11/21/952:22:234/26/722201/8/974
Infared Roses11/01/910:58:30__/__/89--__/__/902114
One from the Vault04/15/911:57:148/13/752224
Reckoning04/01/811:10:219/25/80--10/14/80, 10/22/80--10/31/801155
SNL25: The Musical Performances09/21/990:03:3611/11/782015
So Many Roads11/09/995:22:27All Shows5305
Steal Your Face06/26/761:22:4110/16/74--10/20/742145
Terrapin Station__/__/972:47:193/15/903215
Ticket to New Year's10/01/962:25:0012/31/87N/A1801/10/97V
Two from the Vault05/12/921:49:128/23/68--8/24/682135
View from the Vault__/__/007/8/90N/A20V
View from the Vault Soundtrack__/__/003:31:197/8/90, 7/6/903265
Vintage Dead10/__/700:39:235/19/66...12/24/660055
Without a Net09/25/902:11:5810/8/89--4/3/9021711/27/906

Note: "Went Gold" dates and release dates for "Dead Ahead," "Downhill from Here," "Hundred Year Hall," "Ticket to New Year's," and "Without a Net" are from Billboard magazine. Release dates for "Dick's Picks" Vols. 4 to 15, "Dozin' at the Knick," and "Fallout from the Phil Zone" are from my personal notes. All other dates from DeadBase X. None of these live albums or videos have gone platinum, yet.
Go to Pure Stats, which has detailed timing statistics for all these albums.
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Aaron Donovan

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