Ethereal girl's

Scribbles upon the Walls of the Mental Labyrinth©

Homage to the Muses of Poetry

Hey, Gotta put that guide thingee here again! ;)

Care to listen to French composer Frederic Francois Chopin? (1810-1849)
"Nocturne" Opus 48 #2 in F# minor

Individual poetry pages were designed for best viewing with Netscape 3 or higher
and with your monitor at a resolution of 800x600.
They may look a little out of sync with other browsers or a different resolution.

Some content of my poetry may not be suitable for less-than-adult consumption (or by the truly prudish among us). Due to the necessity of defending the next generation or two, I felt it necessary to let any readers know in advance that the page may contain something disturbing, or that they may find a work of art containing what some people refer to as "nudity". Though I have no particular liking for profanity or pornography, I do enjoy tasteful art that some may take exception to. Rather than stifle my constitutional rights to free speech and expression... I have decided to endorse a program that will let you know there may be something questionable on a page by use of a small seal at the top of that page. If you see that seal and don't think you'd like to risk it, please use your back button before scrolling down that page.

This is the seal you will see:

Official PWOTW Artistic Expression
Disclosure Statement

You won't find many of them, now or in the future...
but I do like to be careful of offending sensitivities
in the unsuspecting populace who may find their way
into my little mental labyrinth while on their travels.

On to the poetry!

The following are a few poems that I felt worthy of being shared. I hope you feel the same. I will be adding more as I find the right backgrounds and accoutrement to highlight them. But, for now... If you would like, take a few moments and read my mind... as that is what my words are.

In The Immortal Words of Ethereal girl *chortle*

Nnnn-K... Legal mumbo-jumbo... If you'd like to reuse or reprint any of my words, just drop me a line and ask. All poetry is subject to international copyright laws, and are the express property of the poet. They should not be copied, distributed or changed in any way without the permission of the author. But, hey... just write and ask. Dealing with little, weasel web attorneys (my apologies to all fine, upstanding weasels not of the bar association persuasion) is not how I'd like to spend my afternoons... capice? It won't kill ya.. So go ahead and just ask me to use them... you know you want to... your friends will think you're cooool... you'll be popular... everyone will like you... ;)

© 1998 Brize Douglas

Would you like to scribble something upon the walls of the Mental Labyrinth while you are here?

Thanks, Moyra, for allowing me to borrow some of your jewels!
I appreciate the use of the truly astounding art
for background and highlights on some (if not most!)of my individual poetry pages.
Please take a moment to visit her site... a delight for the eyes!

Off to the Rings n Things to visit other sites?

Wanna read some "Musings from the Mental Labyrinth"©?
(better known as "My Raves on Favs")

Thank You for taking the time to visit my pages... I hope you enjoyed the musings, music, and poetry!

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