My lil Homage to the Muses of Poetry
Pardon the mess while I redesign the site, the links to webrings are at the bottom... thanks for visiting.
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If one voice dares to rage against the pain
to teach one battered heart to live again...
and if that voice is able to lead another free
it is worth the small cost of the raging to me!
If one can draw wisdom from an unknown friend
and is able to rest easier upon journey's end...
Then let the rage begin in a voice like mine
and gather a storm of fury in others of my kind
For when the resigned silences condone the pain
and subjects others to relive my past again
I'll dare to speak out loud and strong...
Thinking you have to live with abuse is wrong!
©1996 Brize Douglas
Personal note for my poetry gang and assorted neglected friends and nefarious comrades ~:>
I've had to take several weeks off this summer for tours, small vacations, moving,
and the usual small life crises... but I'm hoping to build a better site using my own art to highlight my poetry
Soon... I promise!
Or may a wandering band of terribly off-key minstrels playing "Do Wah Ditty"
stalk me nightly until I get busy wit it!
and nobody in their right mind would wish that on me...
um... too bad I don't know anyone in their right mind. ;)
Look! I spotted The Momma!

You too can help find The Momma.
All ya gotta do is read the case files and then report any sightings of your own!
(an' lemme tell ya... she's one elusive bikini-clad momma!)
I'm a "Tasty Morsel"!!!
Momma tol' me so!
Check out more of "Momma's Tasty Morsels".
We're a decidedly delicious bunch! ;)

If you take a liking to anything that you find
scribbled upon the walls of my Mental Labyrinth during your wanderings here,
and would like an explanation of source and meaning,
or just feel the insatiable need to comment,
feel free to email me. I love great literature, even in the email form!
Not that any of this old text matters, but I felt the need to leave it in...
Nnnn-K... Now for the legal mumbo-jumbo... If you'd like to reuse or reprint any of my words, just drop me a line and ask. All poetry is subject to international copyright laws, and are the express property of the poet. They should not be copied, distributed or changed in any way without the permission of the author. But, I'm easy... just write and ask. (Ya wouldn't want a gang of rabid, copyright infringement trolls showing up on your doorstep in really bad little red and yellow power ties now wouldja? ;)
"Words are the world's...
the poet just arranges and rearranges them
to suit necessity of expression."
Brize Douglas, Dec 97
Number of Poetry Enthusiasts to visit this site since 1/5/99

The art I used to have adorning my opening page came from this wonderful site.
But due to new terms of service it became necessary to remove it to avoid any unpleasantries.
But, If you like fantasy, winged horses, and mischievious sprites, this site is a must-visit.
It's complete with a guided tour and email postcards,
as well as the most unbelievable original fantasy art by an astounding artist, Linda Gruber!
I also use some spectacular art from this site as well.
Almost all of my individual poetry pages come to life through the use of her art
and I can't say Thank You! enough to Moyra for allowing me to borrow some of her jewels!
I really appreciate the use of her truly amazing art.
Please take a moment to visit her site...
but... before you go... Prepare To Be Dazzled!

This page listed in Athens Atrium

Thank you for visiting my mental labyrinth, and sorry to inconvenience you with the mess. I am dreadfully apologetic and hope you can use the following webrings to find some other poetry sites.
You are most welcome to return again
and I hope the site is in better shape then.:)
Poetry and Other Literature
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Brize Douglas.
Poetry Ring!
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Brize Douglas.
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