Brize as French Maid
Under Destruction!

Hello... and Welcome to my de-construction zone.

Watch yer step, you caught me in the midst of a major cleanup!

I'm in the midst of a whole new site design, so please bear with me while I ask you to stumble through the debris left behind from Hurricane Brize.

If you're looking for the poetry,
please go to the remnants of the old page HERE.

If you are visiting here via a webring
and you would prefer not to brave the mess,
you may follow the ring to other poetry pages,
Please do so HERE.

This labyrinth was shaken, not stirred by GeoCities
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©1999 Brize Douglas, All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
without the written permission of the highly volatile artist!
All ya gots to do is just write and ask me!