Okay, I have finally done something on my own I think y'all might like. I have some Latin selections for you that I didn't steal off of the web. Below, I have a few links that will take you to a Latin passage which I hold dear.

St. Augustine and Friendship
The Purple Cow-in Latin!

The following links are some of my favorite Latin sites!

National Junior Classical League
This is solely for middle and high school students.

National Senior Classical League
This one's for postsecondary students.

American Classical League
This one is for teachers and stuff.

This site is great...

Forum Romanum
Interesting site...

Latin Readings
If you want some hard core classics, this is the place to be!

This is an interesting Roman holiday. Ancient Roman holiday.

Ancient Contraception
An interesting look at classical text. This guy had too much time on his hands to go through texts and find "unnoticed allusions" to contraception. Check it out.

Well, that's all for now...I'll update soon...

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