Welcome to my World!

I am a seeker.
I search for teachers along my journey.

Anthropology STUFF

New Beginnings

My ICQ #: 4035595

I am also on Pow Wow occasionally!
My Guestbook doesn't work anymore and I can't seem to fix it.. but you can email me if you like...
lady-a@excite.comView My Guestbook
Thank you!
Blessed Be!
Fight The Fear!

My banner was created by Lizzy Crowe!
You can find her URL and banner on my links page.
If you want to exchange banners and link to me, email me and let me know.
(Lizzy created other colors of my banner if you need.)

If you have been down this road before, remember to "RELOAD" your file at each page.
Things change, sometimes, by the hour!
(And Change IS good!)