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Hi, I'm a christian musician, play woodwinds in the church orchestra, and you can call me Chief (I'm a retired Navy Chief Electronics Technician). I am now the Orchestra Director and Computer I and AP Computer teacher at Shannon Forest Christian School. I also take care of the computers and network there. I was a High School Computer Service Technology instructor at a Career Center in South Carolina from 1996 to 2004. We were an NEAP (Novell Education Academic Partner) Secondary site (first in the state) and I was a Novell Academic Instructor (NAI). I taught the CompTIA A+ Computer Service, Network+, and i-Net+ internet technolgy courses and the BICSI Cabling certification. I have a BS in music education from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. I was the associate conductor of the Greenville Civic Band for 4 years back in the 70's. Was a high school band director for ten years. I organized and was president of the South Carolina Christian Arts Festival (South Carolina Association of Christian Schools) for eight years. I taught Computer Electronics for 9 1/2 years at Greenville Technical College. My interests are: music composition and arranging, MIDI sequencing, HO gauge and 1/12th (garden)gauge model railroad, sailing, RC 1 meter sailboats, computers, and computer interfaceing (to HO gauge railroad). Also, I am in the 2000 edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers and the 2003 edition of Who's Who Among America's Professionals. I now have a new web domain

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