THIEVES OF VIRTUE.                  

                                                                Confucius said,
                  "`When someone passes by my gate and does not enter,    

the only time I don't regret it is when it is a 'conventional townsman.'
 These conventional townsmen are thieves of virtue.'
What sort of people were these, that he called 'conventional townsmen'?"
Mencius said, "They criticize the ardent,
saying 'How can they be so grandiose such that their words do not reflect their actions
and actions do not reflect  their words,
and how can they justify themselves with 'the ancients did this, and the ancients did that.'"
"And they criticize the prudent,
saying, 'How can they be so aloof and cold?
 We are all born in this world, so we should be part of it.
Being good here and now is sufficient.'
They obsequiously flatter their contemporaries.
These are the so-called 'conventional townsmen.'" Wan Chang said,
"The whole town calls them 'acceptable men'--
there is no place where they can go where they will not be regarded as 'acceptable men.'
Why did Confucius call them 'thieves of virtue?'"
Mencius answered: "If you want to blame them for something,
there is nothing in particular that you can blame them for.
 If you want to correct them,
there is nothing in particular that you can correct them for.
 They follow the current customs and consent to the vices of the age.
They seem to abide in loyalty and honesty, and their actions seem pure.
Everyone follows them and because people follow them,
people become incapable of entering the Tao of Yao and Shun.
Thus, they are called 'thieves of virtue.'"
"Confucius said, 'I don't like simulacra.[9]
I don't like tares (grain weeds) because they can be confused with real grain.
I don't like eloquence, because it can be confused with Justice.
I don't like sharpness of tongue, because it might be confused with honesty.
 I don't like the music of Chang, because it might be confused with good music.
I don't like purple, because it might be confused with vermillion
and I don't like conventional townsmen,
because they might be confused with the virtuous."
The Impact of Chinese Values on the World.
