Christianity Reigned

    What kind of society would it be if the Christian religion were to be its sole guiding force? Or put another way, if  Christians had complete control of a country, what kind of country would it be in terms of its religious attitudes and  practices, political institutions, economic policies,  foreign policy, educational system and so on?  No doubt there are many different answers possible. However, one sure way to find out is to search the pages of history and to study the times when Christianity did reign supreme, when the guiding force of  millions of people of an entire sub-continent was the Christian religion.  This is exactly our intent in these pages: we will bring together here what various historians have said about the Christian society which existed on the sub-continent of Europe from the 8th  century to the 17th century. After most of Europe was Christianized, for almost a thousand years Christianity claimed total allegiance and obedience of the Europeans.  What kind of Europe did Christianity create? Read in the following pages what the historians have discovered.


Christianity and Economic Justice.

Christianity and Hell.

Christianity and Belief in Demons and Devils.

Christianity and Religious Relics.

Christianity and War.

Christianity and Diversity of Belief.

Christianity and Change.

Christianity and Religious Hysteria.

Christianity and Women.

Christianity and Science.

Christianity and Philosophy.

To be continued... 


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