The K98k Bayonet Collector's Network
{aka "The BCN"}
Last updated 01 April, 1999
{Gordon Seal collection}
A homepage for SG 84/98 Mod.III Bayonets, German Militaria, Imperial, Weimar, and other German Era Bayonet Collectors
Hello, and welcome to the K98k Bayonet Collectors Network (BCN) webpage. The BCN was started in November 1996 to network with collectors who have similar interests. Our web site was created for dedicated German bayonet and militaria collectors, and now includes members from around the world.
Since it’s inception, the BCN’s membership has grown immensely, and includes a group of collectors who study, document and trade militaria. The BCN doesn't charge for membership -- that would be against the spirit of the Internet. If you are interested in becoming a member please e-mail Derek Seltzer for further information. Happy collecting and thank you for visiting us.
This web site was created for dedicated K98K German bayonet collectors, German militaria collectors, and 3rd Reich and miscellaneous German blade collectors. The purpose of the K98k BCN is:
Bring German bayonet and militaria collectors from all over the world together on the Internet to share information at no cost
Increase militaria collector's knowledge on German bayonets
Serve as a collection center for data, production, and manufacturing information on German bayonets
Assist fellow collectors in improving personal militaria collections
Support the Camp Aliceville Prisoner of War Museum
BCN Membership Policies
The K98k Bayonet Collectors Network was established to bring bayonet and
militaria collectors together for fun, and not extreme profit. Members
are asked to have the highest ethical standards when dealing with fellow
Our policies are:
A periodic roll call is made so to stay a member you must report in.
Members should recruit collectors with like interests.
Participation is MANDATORY. This may include reporting bayonet serial
numbers/data, what you saw at a show, or just simply passing leads on to
other members- that will be the key to our success.
Treat other collectors as you would like to be treated.
A member's word is as good as gold.
Give accurate detailed descriptions when grading.
Expand your knowledge on militaria and be ready to share that information.
Have fun!
The ultimate goal of the BCN to become the largest and most respected
militaria collectors organization in the world. The biggest bonus of
being a member of the BCN is not the free membership (provided you live
by the rules), but the leads and friendships you establish which will
make your collection grow.
In addition, we need the following information for our membership directory:
ADDRESS: (Optional)
PHONE: (Optional)
For example:
John C. Jacobi
123 Anita Dr.
Madison, Al 35757
(256) 722-8252
Fax 256-830-8105
Interests: WWII late war, heavily tooled bayonets. My "Want List" for k98
bayonet codes are: pyy, jwh, and sgx (jj or kk block)
- Members of the BCN
- Militaria Show Listings
- Featured article
- Bayonet nomenclature
- Bayonet makers codes
- Trader's Den
- Other bayonet/militaria related web sites
Visit the Russian World War II exhibit currently touring the country!
Feel free to e-mail John Jacobi at if you have any questions, comments or suggestions - Thanks!
This page was created by Mark Conrad on 17 May 1997
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