What We Offer

Health & Healing

Deep insights concerning both the spiritual 
wellbeing and the physical constitution of Man ... subjects so far have included: Migraine, Diet,
Menopause, Chronic Fatigue, Asthma, a new
look at Aids and Cancer, Virus, the effects of
Sun-bathing, Anxiety, Dependencies.

Spiritual Science

The fundamental principles and precepts of
esotericism pertaining to the middle path.
There has been an occult perspective given to  many areas (see Catalogue page), all with a
profound respect for those great souls who have worked in the World for Truth and for Christ.

Devotional Text

We have prayers and inspiritational writing - works for meditative contemplation - to be contrasted
by those for study and group work.
Instructions have been given for the ritual of the Holy Communion and other sacraments; as well
as the establishment of sacred spaces.
