Daniel Martin


Poetry For A New Generation!


Sadness.................Is the soul crying for Love.


Life is like a seed.

Treasure it, Nourish it

and it will Grow.

But toss it to the wind

and it could land anywhere.


May the finger of God point the way.

May the path be straight and distractions


May the heavens smile upon your good deeds

and forget the bad as quickly as lesson learned.

May the hand of God Hold You,

Protect You and Guide Your Every

Step with Loving Kindness.

Simple Truths

To find a solution One must first find the problem.

To find the problem One must first find the Cause.

My Brother

Remember always; That in Darkness One must seek the


In Light, Darkness; for without One the other would be,

no more...

In Love One must seek Hate. In Joy, Sorrow.

In Peace, Disorder...

For unless One understands the True Nature of Both,

there can never, be harmony, between...

My Sister

To Find your Brother you must first find


To Find your Sister you must first find

her Twin.

To Find your Father you must first find

his Son.

To Find any One you must first find It in



To knock on the door of Wisdom.

One must first learn all that is to

be taught in the school of



Humility is not trying. It is not doing.

It is Knowing who you are in

Comparison to One.


How bright your Dance.

How complex your Rhythm.

How simple your Soul.

How divine your Light.

How gracious your cheer.

In your self you contain the

World, Universe and Me.


The Lod, One with the


May you guide our footsteps to



God, Limitless, Divine.

One Essence, containing the

World-Universe and ME.


Guruji, I sit at your feet. Looking

into those eyes.

In your eyes I see not One Master.

But Two Opposing.


The Glimpse of Love we see in our Lover's

eyes, the moment of One between.

The moment of Peace the moment of Pause.

This moment, is the



Life to the simple is but the search for


But, Life in its essence is a myriad of

Learning Experiences,

all leading to the same Destination,

all leading to God, the ONE.


If the Angels of Heaven were to land,

with garb of earthly nature, would they not,

be persecuted for their Love of Man.

For all Men have the same potential.

They would Love all men equally, justly,

until the day arrived of eternal tranquillity.

The Universe would Harmonize as One.

Ending this age, Man would start another revitalized.

Man would travel on the wings of Angels.

Man would soar to New, Higher, Greater achievements.

Dreamt this dream I have since the beginning.

Heaven and Earth would become One, strangers

would be gone, fears non existent.

The Universe Would Return to The ONE.

Credo To God

I believe we are all equal and

that life is the living of this equality.

I believe in justice for all and Gods law.

I believe you should do your best, expect

the best and be your best. I believe in long hikes

and camping trips with God. I believe that God

is everywhere and in everything. I believe that we are

God and that God is in each of us. I believe in animal

rights. I believe in a greater goal to life than:

go to work, go on vacation, go back to work.

I believe in no school but living education.

I believe in good music and a good stereo

the best being yourself.

I believe in God.

Gods Glory

God is not to be expunged.

He can not be. For he is always,

with us, in us and elucidating himself in

every moment of are


Although we are not his chattel nor he

ours. But rather we are as brothers

in a corroborative journey onward and


In Gods eyes there are no castes,

no race, only pure consciousness,

only God....

There is no recompense,

no way around, no assuage to

escape this dispensation.


Feral, fractious, humanity; wild, savage

having leapt from there divinity, from their God

from their selves.

They think they are inconspicuous to escape Gods

eye. What they do not see is that God is indigenous

to them.

Do you think God listens to your audible words;

he does not, he listens to your inaudible


Do you think being taciturn could ever

help? Of course not!

God is not your formidable opponent in this

game called life. In this game there are

no pinioned Ones, no traps or

condemnations. Only



"The worlds a stage, we the actors have

the opportunity to make it a

play worthy of our

Self!" ByDaniel





Why do you work so hard?

"Because I am lucky enough to

have a job."

My Grandpa..

I look into your eyes. full of mysterious knowledge,

and sadness...

Yours were the stories, that guided my young

mind, into adulthood.

Yours; the stories, that were sad but true. Yours; the stories, of nazis and prison camps.

Yours; the stories of struggle and strife.

Those stories of hard work

and no reward.

I look into those mysterious eyes, full of pride,

for his Grandson.

You will always be my Grandpa and I your Grandson.

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