A Few Short Glimpses of my ever unfolding life, for my friends and my friends to be.
All pictures have a couple words or mroe under them.
Feel Free to ask for more info on any picture
I Will try to add more on a regular basis
The Person that made my life a reality, my wonderful mom.
The Man that molded my life into that reality, my Saint of a Father, (Now in his own country of New Zealand again with my mom, I will be joining them to finish my last year of school on Jan 7th of 99').
My Friend for more than 10 years, Ethan (We are born on the same day Oct 16 1982 but on different sides of the world. Ethan was born in America and I was born in Australia, however we both grew up together in California).
My dear friend Adam of many years. A champion wrestler, a great mountain climber, a lover of all things to do with nature including Native Americans and long walks into the mountains which I most frequently went on. A true champion at heart and a great friend! Who will one day make an impact on more than just me and my book, but the rest of the world as well.
Left me, Center Steve, Right John. My favorite job working at Cheekoes. Steve was an ever present part in the formation of the reality that is me today, a second Dad and a great friend.
Another friend from work Bob Roach, the luckiest man I ever met. He taught me that luck is not a state of chance but a state of 'mind'.
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