Daniels Poetry, Philosophy and Just Some Thoughts Written on a Rainy Day Page, As Well as Neal Ray's Art!

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My Poetry Page!!

A Couple Thoughts and Questions Written on a Rainy Day

A Speech I gave at Voice of Youth 99'

A Few Pictures Of My Life that I am putting together for my friends and my friends to be

A Couple Of My Favorite Quotes - (Always adding more)

(Jul 18th 2000) My name is Daniel, as many of you know. Well I have now reached boarding school in New Zealand(moved here Jan 7th 2000, previously in Australia, before than California) I decided to enter Wanganui Collegiate (Boarding school 12 hours from my parents home) for its name if for nothing else. I rarely ever go any where unless that place really resonates with me or I feel it’s a good place to grow, learn or expand in some way. Well this past 2 terms for me has been a challenge as much of the past 2 years has been. The work has never been but the smallest challenge, the school runs on a 7 day a week schedule, with Chapel on Sunday and school on Saturday. It is my last year of school so I am giving it my best effort. For the first time in my life I find my self with a lack of like minds or close friends; leaving me much time to work, write and contemplate. As the school is ‘very’ English and proper, I of course could never exactly fit in, but would rather be my self and shake a few stale minds into wakefulness. While I could have just pretended to be some one else to fit in, I was not drawn to, as I gave that up long ago, thus leaving me now with only True Friends. Its quite posh with uniforms and all, much like the school you probably saw in, "Dead Poets Society". The school is about 150 years old and shows many signs of with the old brick buildings and Cathedral like Chapel. Well for now I have to go, but please email me and I will try to keep in touch with everyone. The Yahoo address given on this page should still keep working as I try and set up email forwarding for during the school term. It still looks like I will be heading back to the US after graduation (Dec 2000) to do a bit of travelling and visiting so I hope to see many of you upon my return. Sincerest wish’s that life is unfolding in its perfection for you.

And if He closes before you

the ways and the passes all –

He’ll show you a hidden pathway

Which nobody has known!



For Your Information Here Is Some of Mine

AOL Instant Messager: Tri333nity

Email either cosmic_alchamy@yahoo.com or forONEever@hotmail.com

(If I do not respond I did not get the email)

I am on line NZ time around 5-6pm and 10-11pm during school holidays.


Another Beautiful Poem

Meaning of The Common Greating "Namaste"


I honor the place in you

In which the entire universe

Dwells. I honor the place

In you which is of love, of

Truth, of light, and of peace. When you

Are in that place in you, and I am in

That place in me...WE ARE ONE

I did not write "Namaste" but it is One of my favorites. All other poetry on this page is written by me please ask me before you use it any where else, thanks. If you have ever emailed me and I have not responded I did not receive the email so please try again. cosmic_alchamy@yahoo.com

This Page is merely a couple thoughts typed out on some rainy days, I hope you enjoy them and find some Value in what truth they might offer to you.

The poetry on this page is written by me, but 'I' the individual 'Daniel' would not dare to claim it as 'mine', I can say that it came to me during different moments of contemplation through out and during my life. The presence that is all around us is what I have called One in some of my thoughts shared here in.

I am trying to get my poetry and some of my ideas published if you can help in any manner I would love to talk to you.

I love e-mails

Links to other sites on the Web

A Inovative Schooling Idea
I Love Wolves!
A Free Music Archive with Napster
Adi Da, A Truely Enlightened Being
A Friend Nice enough to link our Pages Together
Link To Neals Friends Web-site (www.tripledeep.com)


Email me at

© 1997 cosmic_alchamy@yahoo.com

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