A Couple Thoughts as Of Late


1.To Live a life worthy of living, ones equanimity in and through heart ship must equal one's capacity for Love.

To Love is to be Loved

To Live Love it self is to Live as God

2. To Love is to be Loved; through Compassion can we truly attain the equanimity of the human spirit.

3. One Life, One Goal, One Person, One Being, One Self, One planet, One Journey, One Path, One Path that encompasses many roads to God, --To Self, the divine

4. Light - The refraction of Love through which our journey to god, Our journey of selfless liberation, can truly be attained.

5. (Idea) Light - A Refraction of the One principle, divided through the refraction into color, but still One and the same Light, one and the same principle.

6. Page One in my book, My first word

My Life, Began With One Word; Light

7. Light as we know can not be seen, can not be felt; Like Light, our perception of God is through its a-ffects.

8. Our way of seeing Light, Like our way of seeing God, is through refraction.

The Refraction of Light as you know is Color.

Color Brings, division, division of people, race, color and creed alike.

But Light remains like God, in divisible, One thing, One Principle, One Frequency, with no division.

9. Is an apple not still an apple no matter how many times you might choose to slice it.

10. Thus Like light, God remains, One thing, One Principle, One Love

11. Although One of the many refraction’s of God is religion, religion unto- it self still remains merely a refraction of God, of Truth, of the Divine Principle, which in essence is un-divisible. Sure One may dice and slice that apple into a million pieces, but the apple still remains, that which we choose to call an apple, unchangeable, un-devisable.

12. Thus My Life begin, as one part of that Truth, but a part that still remains.

13. I was born as the refraction I cam to know, as Daniel, One part searching for the whole, for the apple from which he was cut. But an apple I still remained. For in essence truth can be found through any refraction, for all refraction’s lead back to the refracted. Thus My Search began, with One Word, Light, My first word which shaped the rest of my Life.

14. God Like the rest of us has no color nor creed that which is known as God remains unto that which is. That 'I am' that 'I am that I am' remains the mystery we all seek to understand.

As of late many things have been crossing my mind, too many at times, I feel

Like just like taking a bit of a holiday from my self as of late actually,


Thinking about friendship and being a person and as the person I am, what I

want to do with my self and how I plan on doing it. Jobs, Work, Life, Death

Just allot of things running around my head as of late.

Questions all of Us I think should ask our selves

What do I want to become, profession whise?

How can I serve the greater whole of humanity most effectively?

What do I want to do, and should I care about that, or should I just work

for the greater good of humanity and forget about my self for the moment,

and reep the rewards that may or may not come, with a life given souly unto

Service of the whole.

What is it to be a friend?

What kind of friends do I want to have?

Is it better to have a million friends and just act in a way that they can

Understand? Or is it better to be the way I have been, the Lone Seagull

straddling the horizon with the rare, but true, companion here and there.

Is it better to go the way of safety or to throw my self to the arms of fate

as it were and just let things un-fold as they may.

What is needed to be a good person, one that is liked by all, but always

Remaining true to him self, with out sacrificing the truth of character and

Of self.

Where does Love come into this all?

To what extent is Love important?

To what extent should I Love those around me?

Where is my Life taking me?

Where do I want it to take me?

What obligations do I need to fulfil for those that have supported me in my

growth as a person?

What is important to me?

What is not important?

What needs to become important?

What should have been but never was important to me?

How Much Knowledge is needed to help those around me?

Where do I need to gain this knowledge?

Do I need to go to an institution(School of some kind) to gain this

Knowledge, if so what do I want to learn?

or Can I merely gain this knowledge through Life and the Living of Life?

What about Money? How much do I want and how much do I really need?

Where am I going to get the money to do what ever it is that I decide to do?

Should I move out or stay close to home?

Where do I want to be in the next 3 years?

What do I need to accomplish in the next 3 years?

Where do I need to accomplish these things? And what place would best

serve me to accomplish my goals yet to be set?

How important are the things i consider important?

Why do I consider them important?

are they really important?

Where Does God Come into this?

Does that really matter?

or is Science the answer to all our questions?

Then why is it that I feel a strong bond to that which is, to that which is


Are my friends truly my friends?

How much can I depend upon them ?

How much do I want to depend upon them and how much should I depend upon them?

Should I just Live a Life that makes me happy and forget about the world?

Should I totally forget everything that i have learned and just go out and

Have fun with what ever it is that I "WANT" with an earthly "WANT" to do?

Should I take the spiritual path to its fullest extent?

Should I take it at all? What is that path?

Should I become as another Buddha and sit under a Tree or travel the world

Thinking only of self enlightenment until that point is reached if it can


Should I totally forget all of these questions and just Live in the moment?


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