Wise Ones

This is a page of many wise, witty, or just flat amusing things that I have heard, and also some of my own philosiphies.

"Gotta have chocolate." -"Half Baked"

"Everyone fits in the toilet." -J.M. Lascurain

"Mercy on us! What dreadful thing will you go and do next?!"

     -Jo March, Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott

"If they give you ruled paper, write the other way." -Juan Ramon Jimenez

If everything were perfect, what would there be left to live for?

"Think Happy Thoughts and ye shall FLY!" -T.M. Scherr

Be damned proud of it.

"Things sometimes go wrong so we'll be able to tell the difference when things go right." -Anonymous

"What if they had a war, and nobody came?" -60's saying

"People are stupid." -Wizard's First Rule by Terrry Goodkind

"Lie still, you are DEAD." -a MUD

"Confucious say: 'Angel with wings not so hot as angel with arms.'" -a fortune cookie

"All work and no play makes Matthias a dull mouse." -Abbot Mortimer, Redwall, by Brian Jaques

"Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living." -I'm not sure where this came from. If you know, please E-mail me

"When in doubt, huck to pitcher." Mr. I. Brown, while playing baseball with a rookie

"Don't make mountains out of molehills - it confuses the moles." -A Family Circle Magazine

"I don't suffer from insanity - I enjoy every minute of it!" - A bumper sticker

"Carpe Diem. (Seize the Day.)" - something from Ancient Rome

"Too much hot sauce is bad for your stomach." -Tip o' the day, Torin's Passage

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