Diddie's Theories

This is a page containing all of my theories, odd as some of them are.

Elves and Vulcans are related

Think about it...they both have superior strength, life span, and intelligence. Both have similar abilities, including telepathy and control of emotions. (Not to mention pointy ears!)

Reverse reverse-psychology

The government is using reverse reverse-psychology on us!(when it comes to alien life) They let shows like "The X-files" air because either

  1. they want to draw our attention away from what is really happening
  2. they are using reverse-psychology, making us think that there aren't aliens when there really are
  3. they are using reverse reverse-psychology, making us think that they are using reverse-psychology so we would think that there AREN'T aliens therefore making us think that there ARE (again, making us think that they are using reverse psychology, so making us think that there AREN'T)

So there you have it... unless of course they are using reverse reverse reverse-psychology...

Dragons live!

There is no evidence of this, but I believe it anyway. (everyone needs something to believe.) And I believe that they are all at the moment hiding out in some huge underground cave awaiting the human's extinction. As to the seeming lack of dead dragon bodies, well, dragons live a long time. And when they DO die, they are either A. burned or B. sucked into the earth-spirit.

For those who have read or are reading the "Wheel of Time" series by Robert Jordan...

Moiraine lives!

There is no real evidense of this either, but I'll tell you why I believe it... Moiraine CAN'T be dead! Here's why...

  1. Rand needs her.

    Let's face it folks, Rand is screwing himself over. Ok, well maybe he's just stupid, but either way he could really use her counciling.

  2. Egwene needs her.

    Moiraine is the only (important) Aes Sedai that doesn't have her own plans to take over the Amyrlin Seat (except Nynaeve, Elayne, and Suian). Poor Egwene really needs an advisor that she can depend on.

  3. Rand and Mat need Lan

    With out Moiraine, there's no Lan to instruct the Lords Dragon or Matrim.

  4. Nynaeve needs Lan

    Once again, with out Moiraine, there is no Lan. And of course we know that Nynaeve and Lan are madly in love. So what are they going to do?

  5. No where in the book(s) did she without a doubt, die.

    Even if you look her up in the glossary, it says, and I quote, "She vanished into a ter'angreal in Carhien while battling Lanfear, apparently killing both herself and the Forsaken." Notice the apparently.

Gargoyles live and are related to Angels!

They both (sometimes) have wings. They both look out for people. Need I say more? Unfortunately, there is not concrete proof of either of them.

The following theories aren't mine, I just support them...


How else do you explain things like de'ja'vu or those weird memories that come from no where?


I've seen it done. (and no, there is no way in all of the heavens or earth that it could have been a trick) 'nuff said.


I'm not usually one that has to see things to believe them, but there's scientific evidense for heaven's sake!

The Big Bang

All's I can say is that it is very likely.

That's it for now. I'll be adding more as I think of them.

E-mail me I'd love to hear your comments!

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