As you may have guessed, I am Angel Hair, your pasta of ceremonies (). This page is devoted to the few thoughts I occasionally have. Rocket scientists are encouraged to leave now. Before I start waxing philosphical, I think I should tell you a bit about myself. Not that it will enhance your life in any way, just that it will quench my desire to hear myself speak (see myself type?). I am 39 years old, born and bred in the wonderful city of Montreal. I have exercised a number of professions over the years: translator, writer, editor, marketing manager and translator once more. I am married to a wonderful man, a talented graphic designer who, unfortunately, has not helped with this page. Can you tell?? On December 17, 2002, we were blessed by the birth of our precious, delightful and delicious daughter, Clara. We also have the sweetest, furriest and most loving bunny on the planet. And I have the greatest best friend anyone could ever ask for, the smart, stunning and stylish Carolyne. I've been online for six years now, three of which were plagued by a serious chat and ICQ addiction. I finally have that addiction licked, but now I'm hooked on bulletin boards! On a sad note, since writing the tribute to Ellery that you see on the left-hand side of this page, I've suffered a number of other losses. Someday, when I'm ready, I'll post poems for my loved ones who are gone but never forgotten. For now, I just want to mention them: my stillborn son Adam, my three unnamed angels and my darling mother, to whom I owe the world. I hope you're all in a safe place, happily playing together. Okay, now I can do that philosophical waxing I promised you (bet you can hardly wait)... "They" say that whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. I don't know where "they" came up with this nonsense. Pain doesn't build character; pain hurts. There are no great advantages from suffering, no hidden benefits from heartache. I, personally, have never walked away from a tragedy saying, "Gee, I feel better now because I'm a stronger person." Pain doesn't change me; pain hurts. And if I get back on my feet and go on after a tragedy, it's not because I'm a stronger person--it's because I have no other viable choice. There, waxing done. Won't you sign my guestbook now?
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