This poem is dedicated to Ellery, who left us in August 1999 for greener pastures (which she has probably all but chewed up by now).
One day, when I least expected it,
a light came into my life and,
burning bright, lit the dark passages
so I could find my way.
I lived with this light, this blessing, this gift
always by my side for well on
three precious, bright, beautiful years.
I loved this light with everything in me,
unfailingly, unflinchingly,
nurturing it and caring for it,
watchfully tending to the slightest flicker.
Yet, no matter how much I gave to this light,
it was the light that kept showing me the way,
teaching me, admonishing me when I took a wrong turn,
gently nudging me back on the path of right and good.
Now, in spite of all my efforts,
my prayers, my pleading,
the light has gone out.
Nothing will ever be the same,
and nothing will ever shine quite so bright again,
but, in the afterglow of this wondrous light,
I will find my way.

To Bunny
The light of my life