The Posye or Nosegay of Loue.

Conteyning the Posies of sondrye Flowers, Hearbes, and Plantes.

That are put commonlye in Nosegayes.

Directed to the true Louers : By I.B.Gen.Ca.

Loue tameth all thinges,

and there is nothing that may resist him:

But it is lead by meanes,

fyrst by Flowers, and fruites:

Afterward by fauores, and writings,

And, aboue all, by presents.

The Poesye, or Nosegay of Loue

The Fetherfew signifieth, Dissembling.

The Wormewood representeth, Counterfeit Bewtye.

Almond tree Flowers are taken for, Be content in Loue.

The Bux, signifieth, Loue without end.

The Colworts, are taken for, Fy on ye, or you stinke to me.

The Thistell, is taken for, You prick, or sting me.

The Oates Barbe, or Caprifoyl, is taken for, Succourable Loue.

The Basill, signifieth, fayre showe.

The Smaladge, signifieth Helpe me.

The buddes of Alissander, signifie, Your loue fecheth me for a tyme,

Southernewood, is taken for, I take my leaue of you.

Flowers of Woortes, signifie, Conterfeit loue.

Flowers of Thornes, are taken for bewtye soone past.

The Iuey signifieth, Your loue destroyeth me.

The strawberyes, and Strawberrie leaues, are taken for, I am altogither yours.

The Roseberies, and Roseberye tree, signifie, Come agayne.

The Figges, and the Figge tree are taken for, You please me much.

Whyte Ieliflowers, signifieth, Comfort, or Consolation.

Redde Ieliflowers is taken for, Burning zeale,

Flowers of beanes. Signifie Foolish loue.

The Akorne signifieth, You feede me, or feede your selfe.

The Ashe tree showeth, I will not haue you.

The Iunyper with his Flowers is taken for, You steale away my heart.

The blowne Broome signifieth, I will helpe you.

The whyte Lillie, signifieth, Good and constant loue.

The Lillie of any other collour what soeuer, is taken for, The shape of good, and constant Loue.

Lauender blowne cleapte, signifieth A stay for a tyme.

Lauender blowne vncleapte, is taken for Ielousie.

Lauender greene, eyther cleapte, or vncleapte, signifieth, Doubt, or Misheleeue.

The Goosbery tree and the Theppes, signifieth, You will prick me if I come nigh.

Lawrell vncleapt is taken for Ayde, Stay or Force.

Lawrell leaues cleapte, signifie, Loue waxen dead or feeblenesse in loue.

Lauender cotton, signifieth, Enuye, or Ennemitie.

The Moulseberry tree, or the Moulseberries, are taken for, Sorrow or Lamentation in loue.

French Marierome, signifieth, Solace, Sporte, or Contentment in loue.

Common Marierome, is taken for, Small ioy, or Discomfort.

French Mintes, signifieth, Curteous handling.

Common Mintes, is taken for, You offend me.

Whyte Daysies of Garden, signifie, Welcome, or Agreement.

Redde Daysyes of Garden, are taken for, Manifest pleasure, or Good will.

Sparckle Daysies of Garden, are taken for, Go back from me, or Retyre you back.

Daysies of the fielde signifieth Trauayle, or labour.

The Medler tree, and the Openars, signifie, you hold me to long.

The flowers of Muggeworth, are taken for, Kisse me.

The flowers of Cockle, signifie, you are too wanton.

Whyte Carnations, signifieth, Constant loue.

Blew Carnations, is taken for Soudayn Loue.

Redde Carnations, sheweth, Burning loue or Impatient loue.

Sparckle Carnations, signifieth, Inconstant or Uariable Loue.

Carnations of India, is taken for, Your loue stinckes.

The Nettles, signifieth Treason.

Wyld Carnations, signifieth, Fayre show of loue.

The Olliuer tree signifieth, The peace.

The Osier tree is taken for, I doe binde your loue.

Plantayne, is taken for , Colde loue.

Pensies, signifie, Care or Carefulnesse.

Flowers of Apple tree, signifie, Certayne expectation of fauour, or Hope of good in loue.

Flowers of Peatch tree, doe showe, You please me.

The Pyne tree, is taken for, You do me wrong.

Palme tree, signifieth, I haue the victorye.

Larkes foote, is taken for, Loue without fruite.

The Primerose, signifieth, I beginne to loue you.

Quince tree flowers with the leaues, signifie, I will keepe my promise.

The rose blowne, of any colour whatsoeuer, signifieth, fauour or Courtesie.

The Rose withered, signifieth, fauour past.

The button or budde of Roses, is taken for, Fauour growing.

Rosemary cleapte, signifieth, Hope of grace, or Good will.

Rosemarye vncleapte, is taken for, Refuse, reiection or Disdayne.

Rosemarye blowne cleapte, sheweth, full loue, Assured comfort, or Ioyfull loue.

Rosemarye blowne, vncleapte, signifieth Dissembling.

Aiglentine Rose, or sweet bryer rose, is taken for, Take thou heede, or Deceitfull loue.

Sauge cleapte, signifieth, Seeke your fortune.

The sauge vncleapte, is taken for, You trouble me, You make me weary.

The Marigold, signifieth, Holy desyre, or A louer of vertue.

The Willow tree, is taken for, Spare me.

Thime cleapte, signifieth, Torment.

Thyme vncleapte, is taken for, Come hither, or Come nigh.

Double Uiolet, of what colour soeuer it be, signifieth, Good will.

Simple Uiolet, of what colour soeuer, is taken for, Seruice.

Winter Uiolettes, signifie, fauour past.

Sparckle Jeliflowers, showeth, Spoted zeale.

Wall Jeliflowers, or Uiolet of saint Anne, otherwise called Rauenelle, signifieth, Importunitie, Tediousnesse, or Sorrow.

The musk Rose, signifieth, Feruentnesse in loue: But soone past.

Rue, signifieth, Reprehension, or Hinderaunce in loue.

The Pinkeles, is taken for, Wauering loue, or Unconstant loue.

The Bremble, signifieth, I will byte you.

The Reede, is taken for, Unconstancy in Loue, or Weaknesse in loue.

Here followeth the Salatte of loue, conteyning the posies of thinges

that are commonly put in Salatte.

The Spariedges signifie, Renewing of loue.

Alissander buddes, are taken for, Your loue feedeth me for a tyme.

Boredge flowers, with his buddes, signifie, You make me glad.

The Leaues and Flowers of Buglose, signifie, I am pleased with you.

The Cherueille, is taken for,You doe me good.

The Scallion, signifieth, I loue you not.

The Cyues, are taken for, You are vnthankefull.

The Spinadges, signifie, Amend you.

The Buddes of thystels, signifie, Go you hence, or You offend me.

The buddes of Hoppes, are taken for, I like you well.

Lettices bitter, not Cabidge, signifie, I like you not.

Lettices Cabadge, are taken for, Your loue feedeth me.

The Oygnons, signifie, Approche me not.

The Oliues, are taken for, Your loue annoyeth me.

The flowers of Nettles, signifie, You importunate me much.

The Perslie, signifieth, Your loue burneth me.

Rosemary Flowers, signifie, I doe accept your loue.

The buddes of Rose tree are taken for, Your loue is glommey, or I will not eate you.

Wynter Sauery signifieth, I offer you my loue.

Sourelle is taken for, You loue to sowerly, or You are to sharpe in loue.

The Radishe roote signifieth, Pardon me.

The Hartes horne, is taken for, I take my leaue of you.

The Posies of colloures, by the same author.

The whyte, signifieth Ueritie, Uirginitie, or Hope.

The blew, is taken for, Ielousye.

The gray fryers collour signifieth, You are a wynter louer.

The Skie colour, is taken for, Hyghnesse, or I loue you heartilye.

The Ashe colour, signifieth, It becommeth not you well to loue, or You are not handsome in Loue.

The Crimseu colour, signifieth, Assured loue, or Unuariable loue.

The peatche coloure, is taken for Your loue is not durable.

The Graye, is taken for, Langor,

The pale yalow, signifieth, Chaungement, or Dyminition of loue.

Gylte yealowe, signifieth, Enioying, Possession, or Contentment in Loue.

The fleshe colour, is taken for, Desperation, or Torment in loue.

The Orenge colour is taken for, Lordship, or Grauitie in loue.

The whyte blew, signifieth, Reuengement, Treason, Disdayne, or Fayned loue.

The Redde, is taken for, Pryde, Arrogancy, or Boasting in loue.

The Black, is taken for, Fyrmetie, Stabillitie, Mourning, or Constant loue.

The tawnye, signifieth, refuse or trauaile in loue.

The russet coulour signifieth, Lowelinesse, Humilitie, or mallancholye in Loue.

The Uiolet, is taken for, Feruent or stable in loue.
