The Good Huswyfs handmaid ; A booke of Cookerie c. 1588 #1

XAC2 548.10
The Good Huswyfs Handmaid ;
A booke of Cookerie

1037.e.1(1)(s.t.c.13853) The British Museum
University microfilms
The good Huswiues handmaid, for Cookerie
in her Kitchin in dressing all maner of meat,
with other wholsom diet, for her
& her houshold. &c.

This is a cookbook from the Elizabethan age, meant for the Common "Huswyf." Unlike the Books of the 1400's these recipes are not for Great feasts, but for the table of the 'average person' ( at least one who could afford Books. I will transcribe these as soon as I may, and post them. Please bear with me, as the Documents are not the clearest. I would greatly appreciate any feeback on these recipes, on the translation of the names, and measurements.

As to the transcription herein, I have tried to be as exact as possible. All letters in parantheses are either implied by the discritic marks in the original or my best guesses of unclear marks. All asterisks (*) mark letters that at present are illegible.

At present I have is the Table of Contents. If a recipe seems especially intriguing, E-mail me, and I will Fetch it as soon as I may.

The first of the transcribed recipes are here. I will place their links here to make it easier. Otherwise scrolling through the Table would take to long.

Under 'Baked Meats' we have:
To make paste, and to rayse coffins.(p.17)
To make fine paste another way.(p.18)
To make short paste in Lent.(p.18)
How to bake a Turkie.(p.20)

In service to the Dream,

The Good Huswyfs Handmaid ;The table of all principail matters contained in this booke.

To A Booke Of Gilloflowers : Riddles from the 1560's

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