The Bare fingers of trees grasp the dying sun, and ease Him gently beneath the rim of the world.
The Sun Dies, and it's ghost rises this morn, a Shadow only.
The Lord awaits rebirth.
We call with Longing, with Need, with Song, and with Light.
We light our Fires to Call Him back, and
keep His spirit alive upon the Earth.
Lord of Light,
Seed of Life,
Flame that warms the Coldest Night,
Bring to Us the Waxing Light,
Be with Us on Solstice Night.
Oh tell me Why, Oh tell me why
Oh tell me why must the Clouds come to Darken the Sky?
This is the way Camhlu the Sun King,
He lost His Life on the Solstice Day,
This is the Way Camhlu the Sun King,
He steps into the Dark and Guides the Way.
Hecate, Cerridwen,
Dark Mother take Him in.
Hecate, Cerridwen,
Let Him be Reborn.
Queen of Life, Queen of Death
Queen of all that e'er drew Breath
Guard us through Thy Sacred Night
'Till the Dawning of the Light.