Kyriel's Nest

An intriguing place to say the least

Greetings, and welcome to my Nest. While still and always under construction I hope it is entertaining.

A SAbbat Cycle.

Please Give me Opinions. Each contains an Image, Thoughts and Feelings (often from my rituals) and Chants I find appropriate.

Samhain :October 31

Yule :December 21/22, Winter Solstice

My Medieval/Ren/ SCA section...

Riddles! From "A Booke of Gilloflowers" 1560's

They are direct transciptions, So please Check them out, and try your Skill.

A Huswyfs Handmaid; A booke of cookerie c. 1588

A direct transcription of the table of Contents, Actuall recipes within and More upon request.

Birka and the Viking Myth :A small treatise on the image of Vikings versus the truth.

The Posie, or Nosegay, of Love:A mid 1500's collection of flowers and their meanings.


- Here are some pics. Some below and more thru the link

.The first is of Me..
Sorry about the quality.. I'm the one with Antlers:)
Masked Ball Thumbnail

OKay, A new one of me.. This is From Albany Anthrocon, it's a lot clearer than the last one,

But I'm still the one with the Antlers.

Top hat pic

As we traveled through Scandinavia, we met Dragons and Dragonslayers everywhere we went.

This is a Pic of A dragon we met while wandering the Streets of Copenhagen.

In the National Museum We ran Across St. George, This is a 12th century carved wooden statue.

George thumbnail

As I get more scanned in. I'll set these up with their own links.. That's it for Now.. :)

Ecce Eduardis Ursis scalis nunc tum, tum, tum pulsante gradis post Christoforum Robinum descendens.

Ubinam Gentium Summus?

I'm Not quite sure where this came from, But it is wonderful and thanks:).

Other Credits, The Legendary spinning Gold Pentacle was created by Marc Shannon


© 1997 You Can also reach me through ICQ at

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