No I am not a Satanist.
Since Satan is the product of the Christian religion, one has to be a Christian to recognize the existence of Satan. I am not a Christian and therefore do not believe in the devil. How can I worship something when I don't even believe it exists ?

If I am not a Satanist why do I use the symbol of the pentacle ?
The pentacle is NOT a satanistic sign. It has been the symbol of Wicca for longer than Christianity (and therefore Satanism) has been around. Satanists "stole" the symbol and turned it upside down, much the same as they use an inverted cross. This is like me asking a Christian why they are using the Satanic symbol of the cross !
- See also the page about the Pentacle under "Symbols and Tools" on my main page.

No, I don't turn people into frogs or cast evil spells on them.
Witches believe in the law of three which states: "Mind the Threefold Law you should, Three times bad and three times good." Simply translated this means that anything we do, good or bad, will come back to us three times as intense as it was given out. (something like the law of Khama).

Can I cast spells ?
Yes and No. This depends on your definition of what a spell is. I believe anything is possible and I believe in the tremendous untapped power we all have in our minds. Do Christians believe in miracles ? Are miracles evil ? Then why are spells always thought of as being so ?

Do I run around naked ?

Do I sacrifice animals ?
Definitely NOT. I am an animal and nature lover (As are most witches)

Am I a Warlock ?
No I am a male witch ! Male witches do not like being referred to as Warlocks. In fact the word "Warlock" originates from Gaelic and translates to something like traitor, liar or back-stabber. It was a word adopted by the Church in an attempt to outcast followers of Wicca from the community.

Do I believe in Pixies, Goblins, Dragons etc. ?
Yes and No. I don't believe that they exist in what i will refer to as the physical aspect of life or the "Real world". However they do exist in our thoughts, our subconscious and in our dreams (the mental aspect of life). Now this opens up a whole new debate ! Surely life as we know it is a combination of the physical and mental. If we imagine things strongly enough do they not start becoming real to us ? Does this mean that we are going insane or that the border between the physical and metal aspects of life is moving or breaking down ? What about death ? Surely death is a continuation of the mental state without the physical state. Does this mean that everything we imagine when we are alive, will become real when we die ? I think I will leave that subject alone for now as it probably warrants its own entire page !

Some random thoughts on Wicca, as I perceive it:
Think about physcics, Water diviners, etc. Are they "casting spells" or using some parts of the human brain that most of us don't know how to access (or been indoctrinated since childhood into believing such things are impossible or even evil).
Everybody has had the experience sometime in their life of "sensing" something. For example, You must have had the feeling of someone else looking at you from behind, even though there is no eye-contact. And when you turn around, sure as nuts, somebody IS looking at you. Mental telepathy ? Ever experienced Deja-Vu ? Ever dreamt about something and it happened afterwards ? How many times has it happened that a friend has phoned you and you have said to them "Funny, I was just thinking about you" ?
Lets take it one step further. Suppose we learn how to harness and expand these "strange" powers and use them to our own and others benefit. Suppose a group of like minded people get together. Can we not amplify these powers when we are in a group ? What about animals and plants having these same powers ? If you are following my train of thought so far, then you are beginning to understand the basics of what I believe in. Lets continue with the group thing. Take a look at a flock of birds flying. Suddenly the entire flock changes direction at the same instance. How do they achieve this without creating a major mid-air disaster ? What about the insect world. Look at a group of bees or ants that live and work as a single unit rather than as individuals. There has to be some form of communication between the individuals or the entire community would perish. Ever watched some of those scientific programs on the TV where they recorded "screams" from plants when they cut their leaves off ? I saw one where they put two plants in separate rooms. They attached various meters and gadgets to one plant and they began cutting the leaves off the other one. within a short while, there was a rapid rise of tannin production in the untouched plant, which is a form of protection against animals that feed on them. How did one plant communicate the thought of danger to the other ?

If you agree that there must be some form of telepathic communication between groups of animals and plants, isn't it possible that there can be cross-species communication ?

Wicca is often referred to as an "Earth based" religion. This does not mean that we all jump around naked in muddy pools with bones stuck through our noses. Earth religions believe in the peace and harmony of all living things as a whole. Think of the concept of "Mother Nature", she is not thought of as a separate entity, but rather as the embodiment of all things in nature together as one.

Even though this has been a bit brief you should now have an idea of the basics of Wicca, as I perceive it. I will be expanding this page as more thoughts come to me.

Some differences between my religion and yours (If you are Christian)

Forgive me if I sound harsh and cynical towards the Christian religion, everybody has the right to their own beliefs. I do not believe Christians are "Wrong" just narrow-minded and ill-informed about other religions. The Christian faith itself does not bother me, but the people who insist on trying to convert me, do. I respect their beliefs so why can they not respect mine ? I do not believe any religion is "Wrong" or "Right". I believe they all, eventually, will lead us to the same truth and enlightenment. I do not pretend to have all the answers, but following the path I have chosen will eventually lead me to them. Of this I have no doubt.

How does one become a witch ?
Unlike some religions, Wicca is not a religion that one suddenly becomes a follower of or "Sees the light". It takes years of study and learning to become a true witch. Here are some guidelines:

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