Here's a little about me if you're interested:
I am a male solitary witch (solitary through circumstances rather than through choice). I was born in Manchester, England to parents of Irish/Scots decent. My parents emigrated to South Africa when I was very young so I think of myself as South African rather than English. I now live in Johannesburg, where I write computer software for a living. Personality wise I suppose I am a bit of an introvert, although I do enjoy other peoples company if they are on the same "wave-length". I enjoy the outdoors and activities such as hiking, camping and just taking my four wheel drive out into the African bush. I love animals. I have 4 dogs (3 German shepherds & a mongrul) and an Amazon Parrot. I had a cat, but she died recently (she was 17 years old!).
About living in Africa:
Living in the southern hemisphere does tend to cause
a bit of confusion when it comes to celebrating some of the wiccan holidays.
Take Yule for example. This is traditionally held at mid-winter, which
is mid-summer here ! Being a follower of wicca in South Africa is a very
lonely path as it is still not an accepted religion and there are very
few (that I know of anyway) covens around. Wicca is still viewed as a satanistic
worship by most of the population. Anyway, these pages are here in an attempt
to help enlighten people as to my ways and beliefs.
Glenn McHugh |
Star Sign:
Taurus |
23rd April (Don't forget to send me a present !) |
Eye Colour:
Normally blue, but sometimes red when I wake up in the morning... |
Yes. |
Huh ?
Oh, you mean what Colour ? Kinda of Dark brown, and Long. |
5"11" |
About 70Kg.. (150 lb)... Yeah I know ! You think I am skinny ! Well I prefer to think of myself as "Athletic".... |
Blood type:
What ? Why the hell do you want to know that ? |
4,875. |
Favourite type
of Movie:
Horror/Suspense, Sci-Fi and Fantasy |
Starwars, BraveHeart, Highlander, Angel Heart, Star-Trek, Alien, Labyrinth, The Omen, Flat-liners, Silence of the Lambs, The Crow, Rocky Horror Picture Show, 2001 A Space Odyssey, The Lawnmower man, The life of Brian. |
Favourite Artist:
Salvador Dahli |
Favourite Authors:
Isaac Asimov, Steven King, Michael Moorcock, Douglas Adams. |
Favourite TV
X-files, Beavis & Butthead, Star-Trek. |
Favourite Colour:
Why does every bio about someone have this listed ? You're expecting me to say "black" aren't you ? Well, I guess it is, apart from the fact that black isn't a colour, it's an absence of colour... |
Favourite Music:
Wide variety, but especially celtic music, heavy metal/rock and Goth. The only music I can say I really dislike is Opera and Country & western. |
Favourite Groups:
Pink Floyd, Led Zepplin, Deep Purple, Uriah Heep, Black Sabbath, AC-DC, AeroSmith, Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Jopplin, Bob Dylan, Garbage, Alice in Chains, Loreena McKennitt, Jethro Tull, Eric Clapton, Guns & Roses, Def Leppard, Ozzy Osbourne.... The list goes on, and on... |
No. 1 Favourite
Gotta be Pink Floyd. |
Things I hate
Getting up in the morning, washing dishes. |
The crime rate and violence here in Africa, Ignorant people, Decafinated coffee, People who preach the gospel to me, anybody who abuses animals and kids. |
The beauty of Africa, Open-minded people, lying under the star-lit African sky on a deserted beach, People with a sense of humour, Goth Girls. |
The outdoors, Photography, Reading, Motor racing, Studying the female form... |
Things I still
want to do:
Finish these pages, Fly a fighter jet, find a "soul-mate". |
Bad Points:
Stubborn (aren't all Taurus people), Drive too fast... actually, no.. drive MUCH too fast. Drink too much, Smoke too much. Suffer from CSS (Never heard of that, have you ? It stands for Compulsive Stripper Syndrome... I have this terrible urge to take my clothes off after a couple of drinks...) |
Good Points:
Next question... |
People I hate:
Accountants ("When is that program going to be finished ?"). Loud obnoxious people, Ignorant, narrow minded people. People that look at me down their noses because I have long hair and dress "strangely". Loud, obnoxious, fat, ignorant, narrow-minded accountants that look down their noses at me because I have long hair and dress "strangely". |
Do you bark at the moon?
Yes. |
What car do you drive?
I have two. A (Very) modified BMW 325, and a four-wheel-drive Nissan truck. |
Do you smoke pot?
That's none of your business ! |
Do you wear makeup?
See above. |
Do you wear a black robe?
Ditto. |
What do you do for a living?
I write computer software. |
Where do you work?
What ??? You want me to get fired, after revealing all this ??? |
Are you insane?
No, I am quite normal, the rest of the world is mad. |
Wanna know more ? Then please E-Mail me at I love getting E-Mail as it is about the only contact I have with other witches.
Wanna Photo ? (I can't imagine why) but I will try and get one on here soon.
These pages are dedicated to all the solitary witches out there,
May you walk forever
in Sunshine, Laughter and peace.
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