lee jankowski - 12/27/00 19:33:59 My Email:leejankowski@yahoo.com | Comments: Did you say that? So many people speaking it is hard to tell where the origin of any thing said stems. Can there be one way of looking at things that is more or less realistic than another? Or is it the constant re-positioning of oneself that keeps perspective fresh? I have found something that makes sense to me in what is termed Pantheism, yet I struggle when I look on this screen and read the efforts to make this belief a defined object, a dogma, a temple, a church or what form can be used for what purpose. I find fear to be behind this at times. I see people hurry to place their imprint upon this thing. I see a desire to control as best they can using words in the most clever and sound ways. What I have come to know in myself is almost never clever or sound in these ways. I came to this site out of curiosity. I leave |
lee jankowski - 12/27/00 19:33:48 My Email:leejankowski@yahoo.com | Comments: Did you say that? So many people speaking it is hard to tell where the origin of any thing said stems. Can there be one way of looking at things that is more or less realistic than another? Or is it the constant re-positioning of oneself that keeps perspe tive fresh? I have found something that makes sense to me in what is termed Pantheism, yet I struggle when I look on this screen and read the efforts to make this belief a defined object, a dogma, a temple, a church or what form can be used for what purpose. I find fear to be behind this at times. I see people hurry to place their imprint upon this thing. I see a desire to control as best they can using words in the most clever and sound ways. What I have come to know in myself is almost never clever or sou d in these ways. I came to this site out of curiosity. I leave |
- 11/14/00 12:21:52 | Comments: Needs to be more connections on the web to your site. |
- 11/14/00 12:21:44 | Comments: Needs to be more connections on the web to your site. |
Allison - 09/07/00 21:25:20 My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/easycheese | Comments: Wow this site freaks me out but I get your point. I am hit with the same things... and I am really sorry that people call you mental, because a mental person would not have constructed a site as good as this. tata! -alli- |
Mary - 03/18/99 21:07:39 My Email:earhart99@earthlink.net | Comments: Whew! You wear me out! I'm much more optimistic, and I imagine you yourself hope you're wrong about the prognosis of civilization. The Elder Brothers tribe is right. There is a spiritual solution. I try to do my part. Good luck to all of us. Love, is |
- 11/08/98 22:20:30 | Comments: No. That people who are depressed have a more realistic view of life, termed 'depressive realism', is a fallacy actually. Recent studies on how we process information in depressed and non-depressed states show that depressed mental states actually result n distortortions of information by focussing on negative information in the environment, especially negative information related to the self. Zindel Segal, a psychologist at the Clarke Institute of Psychiatry in Toronto, Canada, for example, has a number f studies related to this. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Subterranean Light - 10/12/98 01:40:44 My URL:http://www.sublight.com My Email:sublight@sublight.com | Comments: re: Do depressives have a more realistic outlook? I tend to think not. What I wrote about it in my own online depression journal is that is a twisted and negative vision of the world. Just my 2 cents, mind you. |
Cindy - 09/25/98 10:24:21 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
rest - 08/06/98 09:34:43 My Email:test | Comments: best |
zorro - 07/22/98 06:28:10 My Email:zoertro | Comments: swqish |
h2oluna - 07/14/98 00:16:26 | Comments: Please read _"The Only Planet of Choice_" - there might be a clue for you in these transmissions from higher life forms outside of our dimensions! In essence it says that fear, greed, hate etc. is in and of itself our destroyer and the physical/material self-destruction happening on this planet can only be averted by thier opposites - Good luck in reconfigureing your own brain matrix! h2oluna 4686 Tropics/Paradise, Geo Cities, Earth. If only it were so easy! |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Don't let her domain name throw you,Kara has a swell little site...an all-american girl.
hopeless - 06/18/98 23:24:58 My Email:kwe@adelphia.net | Comments: can you please explain to me what anhedonia means. i have just been diagnosed with all these strange things,but i have no clue what this anhedonia means... Anhedonia is a state of being devoid of pleasure,i.e.,depression;inability to experience pleasurable feelings.Your E-mail address seems to be invalid. |
Darkblade - 06/11/98 16:44:01 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1895 My Email:dracodarkblade@hotmail.com | Comments: Hahahahahahahahahahaha...... From one MadMan to another.... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... But you need a little hope!*S* Come sign my book..... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...... Haha ha hum er |
Steph Lin - 06/04/98 22:38:26 My URL:http://pages.prodigy.com/munchkies My Email:cbxf30c@prodigy.com | Comments: Erp, it's different, I've gots 2 say. I hope U ain't gonna b the next unibomber, or NE thing like that. N*E wayz,U neva looked @ my page or signed MY book, so u best go. It's not very good, and I haven't updated it in a while, but that's what I plan on doing. It'll b a whole new renovation. Not the first time I've been compared to Ted.Not to worry,I don't think anyone should die,this whole mess is due to ignorance and you can't condemn people for following the prime directive:go forth and multiply. |
Sandra - 05/27/98 00:16:11 My URL:/SouthBeach/boardwalk/8665 My Email:drinkpepsi@geocities.com | Comments: Hey, great page! ![]() |
Glory Satania Nasatanada - 05/04/98 05:31:27 My Email:Satan.mailexcite.com | Comments: I'm not any religionist, I am interested in your organization...Will you send me your stuff...3755 Meadow Place Dr. Houston, Tx. 77082 My email hasnt been working, so please mail me! Haven't got anything to send you.This is not an organization,just my own observation. |
Elvis Presley - 04/16/98 05:40:43 | Comments: Horse thieves? and worse. |
andi - 03/11/98 05:01:24 My Email: | Comments: love what you've done with the place. i tried to get a web page. i think i failed. well, see you laters. love,andi Dear Andi...how are you doing? |
WhiteEyeBrow - 02/27/98 18:28:11 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/metro/4478 | Comments: HUmmm..... I am White EyeBrow. You are too negative!!!!!! It's a dirty job,but somebody's got to do it. |
ilya_nu_voi - 02/12/98 14:46:00 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/5999 My Email:u_mess@hotmail.com | Comments: Hell is other people - no, maybe it's the grudging acknowledgement that no matter how self-actualised one becomes just about everything you do is based on a confused assumption that communication/interaction is (i) necessary (ii) possible in some sense (iii) meaningful/significant in any way Works for me. |