Offered on Thursday, December 24, 1998 by Brad Morlan, inspired by the Lady and the Lord
Welcome to Our Ring,
Visitor #
Our goal is to provide people with information about the philosophies and practices of incorporating Jesus into a Pagan context.
Our name has the advantage of giving us all an enormous potential number of hits, as fundamentalist Christians enter, thinking it might be one of their ministries! Boy, will they be surprised!
August 12, 1998: Webring Plans
We have enough sites committed to actually be listed by our Ring service provider on the Web, so people can search for us. What we now need for this project to go forward is you! Specifically, we need:
1. For you to apply for membership, if you have a site you feel might qualify. See the guidelines below. I should have the application form up here within a day or two.
2. We need ideas for the artwork for the ring. Two concepts of mine so far are a cauldron for the "previous" image, and a chalice for the "next" image; a crucifixion scene for the "previous" image and a resurrection scene for the "next" image. I don't really know how to effectively "Paganize" the latter yet, however, so any ideas beyond simply adding a big pentagram in the sky are most welcome.
If you can help with any (or all) of these aspects, please e-mail me (Ormus) at the address below. Thank you!
One does not need to be a professed Pagan to join this ring. All sites affirming Christ in a Pagan context qualify, and only one page with this content is necessary. Such content can include scholarly pages dealing with Pagan aspects of Christology, "seeker sensitive" pages that are Pagan-friendly, liberal Biblical exegesis, prayers, rituals, etc.
The Ringmaster will review sites in the queue, and make final decisions about approval, though he may ask input from other members of the Ring.
If you think your site meets these guidelines, and want to join the Ring, please fill out and send the form below. If you're accepted, you'll receive a number that you'll need to plug into the HTMLfragment below.
Here is the code that you'll need to paste unto your Webpage. Please replace my name with yours, my e-mail address with yours, and my site numbers with yours in your copy of the sourcecode.
To get this code, after this page has fully loaded in your browser, click edit/view document source. Scroll down and highlight the HTMLfragment. Hit ctrl-C to copy, open up wordpad or notepad and paste it in. Alternatively, you can just save the whole page as a .txt file and delete all the rest.
Webring Logo
Below is the logo for our Ring. Please save it and paste it somewhere on your page(s) with a link to this page. The best place is where your sourcecode for the Ring is.
Do you want to edit your listing? Do so here.
Do you want to check your place in the queue? Do so here.
Please put Webring in the subject line.