The time is now.

We are very much Pagans as solitary. There are some who profess that we cannot be ‘real’ Pagans/Wiccans/Witches by being solitary. There are those that will try to tell you that being a member of a coven -- or similar group -- is the only way that we can tend the Magicks effectively and properly...that tradition demands this of us. This is their right, as we all follow our Paths with the Goddess and God.
within the Realms Of Belief demands nothing. The Burning Times obliterated most all of the Old Ways' written traditions. The killings themselves took care of most of the rest. What we know to be true deep within ourselves is what counts, first and foremost. It is our right to be Solitary. Our Path to the Silver Lady and to the Horned God -- and to all of the Old Ones beyond and in-between -- lies with our hearts, our souls and our minds.
Because we may not have access to a coven, or believe in nurturing our Pagan beliefs by ourselves, does not mean that we are not Pagan...not Wiccan...not Witch. Perhaps we are
meant to be Solitary. Perhaps that is our Path.
The labels always seem to haunt us. It is up to you whether you pay them heed or ignore them.
Calling ourselves by whatever name (or label, if you will) does not make it so.
Feeling and acting upon those feelings does. Our work requires knowledge that is
acquired through study, thought, prayer and experimentation...wisdom, experience and
the results of our quest. Time within our Craft only means something if we have become better people because of it. And have helped others along our Journies.
ECHOES is created and built with and by suggestions, feelings and intuitions. You will find the laws and rules by which you might choose to live. You need to establish how you live your beliefs. Perhaps you will find something here that appeals to you. After careful introspection and balanced consideration, adopt what you will and either put the rest aside for now or cast them away as you see fit. Everything hinges on how you feel. You are the one who will know your Way. Tending the Magicks calls for lifestyle. It is not an armchair philosophy to be simply worn on our sleeves. What we learn today may become our living tomorrow. You have already begun your Journie by being here with an open mind and a warm heart and a willingness and commitment to DO.
Now listen...the Magicks call......