Zeus : Ruler of Gods. Zues had been named the king and the father of the heaven after he left his brother and sister gods to victory over Cronus. He had also been given the most powerful weapons devised by his allies, the Cyclops. With his thunderbolt he was able to control his often rebellious, and usually quearrelsome, family on Olympus.He was able to turn himself into all kinds of beings: Human, animal, vegetable, and mineral, and often fulled human beings, especially women he wanted to seduce.
Thor : Scandinavian; God of sky and Thunder. A kindly God of the common people, including farmers and sailors. Eldest son of Odin, ruler of the Gods, and Jord, the earth goddess. thor was the strongest of the aesir, the cheif gods, whom he helped from their enemies. Thursday is named for Thor.
Odin: Scandinavian; counterpart of Freya. This is the God who hung on the tree of Yggdrasil to obtain second sight. His familiars are the Raven and the Wolf. In his youth he is deoicted as a terrible God, in his old age as a God of Wisdom and psychic sight.
Osiris: Egyptian; counterpart Isis. Over-all God from including vegetaion and after life.
Britain; God of war of the destruction. His name means"fair shining one". The romans equated him with their God Mars.
Icarus :
Greek; Son of Daerdalus. He and his father fastened wings to their bodies and flew over the sea. When Icarus flew into the Sun it melted the fastenings and he fell to his death.
Innvocation to the Gods
Blazing God,
You who are the King of Gods
Lord of the Sun,
master of all that is wild and free;
Father of women and man,
Lover of the moon Goddess and protector of all Wicca;
Descend, I pray,
with your solar ray of power
upon our circle here!