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Welcome to my faery page.

In this page you will see lots of pictures that I thought were soothing enough to put in here.

Also check out my newly added stories from the book
"Myths of the Sared Tree".

I also have some poetry to share with you...


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Here in the trees

I hear something breathing

here in the trees

I hear something singing

Here in the trees

I feel something living

Here in the trees

I feel something dying

What I am feeling is life

What I am hearing is life

What I see is bigger than life

Next time you see or hear a tree

give it some love

and look for faeries that might be flying above.


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Moon Faeries

May only come out when the moon is full...

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Full Moon Rite:

Wonderous Lady of the Moon

You who greets the dusk with silvered kisses;

Mistress of the night and all magics,

who rides the clouds in blackened skies

and spills light upon the cold Earth;

Lunar Goddess,


Shadow maker and shadow breaker;

Revealer if mystries past and present;

Puller of seas and ruler of women;

All-wise Lunar Mother,

We greet your celestial jewel

at the waxing of its powers

With a rite in Your honor.

I pray by the Moon,

I pray by the Moon,

I pray by the Moon.


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animjewels.gif (8638 bytes)  Waxing Moon Goddess : Artemis

animjewels.gif (8638 bytes)   Full Moon Goddess : Isis

animjewels.gif (8638 bytes)   Waning Moon Goddess : Hecate


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More Poetry

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by Mariah Carey

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More Poetry


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