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Candle magic is used towards the goal or need you have, also good for concentration.  Different colors or scents will provide varying energies to help you with your goal.  Colors are powerful symbols, we use them in every ritual and sabbat there is.  Happy lighting!



Colors and their symbols:

Red :   Symbolizes the element Fire and the direction of the South.  Red is used for strength, physical energy, courage, sex, and passion.

Pink :   A candle for love spells, also good for emotional needs.

Yellow :   Symbolic of the element of Air and the direction of the East.  It provides energy for matters if intellect, divination, travel, and eloquence.

Green :     Symbolizes the element Earth and the direction of North.  Use green for prosperity, fertility, employment, growth, and healing.

Blue :   Symbolizes the element Water and the direction of West.  Use blue for healing, peace, happiness and psychic growth.

Purple :   Use this color for matters of spirituality, power and meditation.

White :   Associated with the Moon, white is used for protection, purification, divination and is an all purpose candle.

Black :   Use black for banishing negative energy.


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aniwallsconce.gif (5033 bytes)Also when burning candles for ritual magick, you may use the weekday correspondences to help acheive a planetary balance, and better attain your goal.


Sunday : Is ruled by the Sun and yellow candles are used on this day.

Monday : Is ruled by the Moon. .use white candles.

Tuesday : Is ruled by Mars..use red candles.

Wednesday : is ruled by Mercury..use purple candles.

Thursday :Is ruled by Jupiter..use blue candles.

Friday : Is ruled by Venus..use green candles.

Saturday : Is ruled by Saturn... use black candles.


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aniwallsconce.gif (5033 bytes)When burning candles for ritual purpose, one should annoint it with ritual oils (consecrated and blessed by the Gods of course).  Doing so will contribute to the visualization process needed for the working, by creating an atmosphere combining the aromapithetic tendencies and the magickal properties contained within the essence of the oil. 

Using only pure essential oils is recommended, for the synthetic properties of lesser grade oils may disrupt the balance of the working, not only within the astral realm, but also to your sinuses! I am giggling as I'm writing this of course, but what is life without humour!


Love : Rose, Apple Blossom, Gardenia and Jasmine.

Sex : Cinnamon, Patchouly, Lavender, Clove, Musk and Vanilla.

Luck : Basil, Bayberry and Vervain.

Protection : Cinnamon and Sandalwood.

Purification : Frankincense, Benzoin, Sandalwood and Myrrh.

Prosperity : Mint, Basil,Vervain and Hyssop.

Divination : Nutmeg, Lemon Grass, Lilac and Lotus.

Banishing : Carnation and Rue.


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Remember, you should never try to manipulate another living creature...bide the rule of three and your rituals will be productive!!

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