![]() Dryads: Greek; these supernatural creatures were a part of a large family of nymphs, feminine spirits of the trees. sometimes they lived within the waters, sometimes in grottoes nearby. They were tree-nymphs who had beautiful shapes, they were elemental forces but mortal, dying when the tree died. They punished mortals for thoughtlessly breaking their branches or doing them any harm. they were said to give the gift of prophecy and oracles, and heal the sick. The Greeks and the Romans were careful not to antagonize these creatures. The woodlands were treated with respect, for one never knew if the presiding nymph would be offended. |
![]() Hecate: Greek;
Moon Goddess as in crone or dark mother. |
![]() Hestia: Greek; Goddess of home and hearth. Building a house, remodeling, or apartment hunting. Safety in the home and the family unit. |
![]() Hera: Greek; Goddess of marriage. If handfasting or some type of commitment is the issue, Hera is the goddess to seek. Just remember that she has a vindictive side. |
![]() Prosephone: GREEK; Goddess of the underworld, as well as harvest. Daughter of Demeter. Bringer of destruction. Goddess of springtime and, after being abducted by hades, queen of the underworld for six months of each year. She raised Aphrodite's son, Adonis. |
![]() Astarte : Greek; Goddess of Fertility. Whether you wish to bear children or have a magnificent garden, Astarte will assist in your desire. |
![]() Artemis : Greek; Goddess of the moon. Protectress of life, but could also take it away. Twin sister of Apollo, daughter of Zues and Leto. Goddess of virginity , the hunt, the moon and the natural enviroment. Even though she is a virgin goddess she also presides over childbirth. Artemis prevented the Greeks from sailing into Troy during the trojan war until they sacrificied a maiden to her. According to some accounts, just before the sacrifice, She rescued the victim, Iphigenia. |
![]() Athena : Greek; Daughter of Zeus and Goddess of wisdom. Athena's mother was Meis, a daughter of the Titans. You can pray to her for inspiration, clarity and fair-mindedness. In Roman mythology, Athena was known as Minerva. |
![]() Demeter : Greek; Earth Mother and archetype. Excellent Goddess where birthing or small children are involved. Sister of Zeus, one of her children was Persephone, who was carried off by Hades(underworld God), and in her grief, Demeter let the earth grow barren and pnly when Persephone was returned to her did she let the earth become fruitful again.
![]() Selene: Greek; Ice Moon Goddess. Sister of Helios. Daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia. As for a Moon Goddess she was noted for her liaisons, with humans and Gods, but did not let herself get attatched. She is the Goddess when you are looking for solutions to your questions.
Innvocation to the Goddess of Summer
Queen of Summer, Queen bee
sweet-smelling, flowering one
honey nectar
overflowing fountain
full blown rose
intoxicating dancer
whispering wind
spell- binder
blossom and thorn
come into us !