Here you will be able to look at each Element and their different meanings.  For each Element click on the image and it will take you to the page.






Elementban.gif (54568 bytes)



ELEEARTHBUT.jpg (9305 bytes)


The Earth is your home away from home please behave accordingly.



ELEAIRBUT.jpg (8700 bytes)

Air is that upon which we may coast,

fly, or dance, tippy-toes.



ELEFIREBUT.jpg (8874 bytes)


Fire is the passion of motivation.



ELEWATERBUT.jpg (9170 bytes)


Water is the element of reunion and clear renewal.



ELESPIRITBUT.jpg (9253 bytes)


Spirit is the energizer of the soul.

Without it humankind is merely a husk.





Each of these Elements have their own corners,

worlds, and their own natural beautiness. 

They are called to attend your circle and

can be a part of your ritual as well as your daily lives.



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