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Philosophy is cool. Links are too.

Law links
My main legal interest is IP law.
This is usually divided in 3 categories.

Patents protect inventions and improvements to existing inventions. Copyrights cover literary, artistic, and musical works. Trademarks are brand names and/or designs which are applied to products or used in connection with services.

The registration of patents and trademarks are handled by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Copyrights are registered through the U.S. Copyright Office at the Library of Congress

I also like learning about state law like, California Law, and feel that a basic understanding of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure is important.

My other interests are political, ethical, and economic philosophy. When I collect some decent links, I'll put them up.

In the mean time, why not read some of my essays (philosophical, and such) on my Other page.

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