Welcome To Tanjung Advanced ToastMasters


Club # 1205
Area N-1
District 51

Penang, Malaysia


Jayie Tan, ATM

VP Education
SL Liew, DTM

VP Membership
Ahmed Bazari, ATM

Khor Siang Kheng, CTM

Agnes Oon, CTM

N-1 Area

Division N

District 51

Dear Fellow Toastmasters and Visiting Guests,

The Tanjung Advanced Toastmasters
welcomes you to our Club Meetings
which are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, from 8pm
at varying locations.
Please call 018-8486290 Agnes to confirm

Club membership is open to all Division N Toastmasters who have completed their Competent Toastmaster Award as a dual member.

The Club was chartered in June 1996 with twenty members from various clubs like Butterworth, National Semiconductor, Intel, MIM Penang, YMCA Penang, Taiping and Darulaman Toastmasters Clubs.

One of the main objectives of the Tanjung Advanced Club is to promote more opportunities for CTM to do their ATM projects. The club also will be promoting other educational program and speakers bureau.

This year with Club Specialists Agnes Oon, CTM and Ahmed Bazari, ATM, we have several workshops eg Effective Evaluation with visiting Sharon Ng, ATM from D'Utama, Humorous Workshop with visiting Peter Ng, ATM from YMCA Ipoh and Panel Discussion led by District Governor DTM SL Liew with panelists SE Lim, Past President of MIM Penang, Margaret Chan, CTM, Past President of PDC & Sponsor of Bayan Baru, Lim Lay Hoon CTM President of YMCA Penang and visiting Christopher Teo, ATM DPRO from NOL, Singapore.

Watch out for our next meeting !

Updated by Club member, DTM SL Liew.
Dec 1, 97