Dave Triffo's Page


Current Projects
Biographical Information
Personal Interests
Contact Information
Comments and Suggestions

Current Projects

Genealogy Research
Currently researching the Triffo pedegree, results of which are posted on this main website. I'm investigating many clues to collect more concrete information, like subscribing to several genealogy mailing lists, searching online databases, sharing information with others and hiring researchers in specific instances.
Family Tree
The Family Tree is the constantly revising effort of the genealogy research.
Website Design
I am currently doing website design for myself ( this website ), and for several of my computer clients. This is an exciting field that is constantly growing. If you are interested in your own website, please contact me.
Vegetable Gardening
The California climate allows for year-round gardening. I have grown a vegetable garden for the last 25 years. We eat most of our vegetables from our own garden.
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Biographical Information

Business Computers Plus
Owner, 7-92 to present

PC service & sales company, specializing in Network and Internet support to local clients. Support Novell, Windows 3.x, 95, NT, and more. Sell high-quality PC hardware, provide onsite service to local area.

Microserve, Inc.
President and Founder, 5-1983 to 9-1989

Founded first dedicated PC service corporation in California. Developed company from ground up. Service Los Angeles and Orange County regions. Grew to 25 employees providing onsite service, sales of PC's, peripherals, and Networks to growing client base.

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Personal Interests

I love rooting out my ancestors...get a charge out of it. The more I find out, the more I feel connected with life and history. Not to mention the discoveries of new relatives that I never knew before. Genealogy pursuit is one of most rewarding interests.
That pretty much sums it up. Our children are our legacy - the better job we do, the better our legacy will be.
The Internet is the future of communication and computing. It's resources are already beyond belief, and it's potential lies yet untapped.
Computers! Computers have encompassed most of my professional life since 1983. They are wonderful. Computers & I have an understanding - they work according to consistant rules and I know what those rules are.

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Contact Information

Electronic mail address

Web address

Office phone

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Comments and Suggestions

Please tell me what you think about my home page and how I might improve it.

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Last revised: July 02, 1998