Indices of Sourcebooks — Home
last changed 5 October 2006

Indices of Sourcebooks

This is a project that seemed like a great idea, but it demands a herculean effort that I have not, to date, found time to embark upon.

The idea is to create a cohesive index for each of the D&D books.

There is a wrinkle, which has diverted my time to other projects. I don't know whether I'd be able to post the end result of this effort on the web, given that lots of copyrighted names —some of which are no longer (or never were) owned by Wizards— would necessarily be mentioned.

So it appears to be going nowhere. I maintain this link to remind myself to check into it some time. If anybody knows of a quasi–official indexing project in the works, let me know. I might be interested in assisting, or at the very least this page could serve as some free advertising space.